A few of my favorite quotes about grandmother's:
Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. ~ Marcy DeMaree
Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.
~ Author Unknown
Grandmas don't just say "that's nice" -- they reel back and roll their eyes and throw up their hands and smile. You get your money's worth out of grandmas. ~ Author Unknown
"If I'd known grandchildren were so much fun, I'd have had them first!"
~ Author Unknown
My grandma stash ... this is just a portion of the things I have collected in anticipation of having grandchildren!
You can't be too prepared!
I am going to be a grandmother ... it takes a few days to process this! I really was so surprised after hearing this news on Sunday. Rarely does something surprise me like this did. I was completely caught off guard and completely thrilled.
My reaction included being a little shocked, then happy and then thinking, I need to go shopping ~ I will wait until I know if it's a boy or girl!
The average age of women becoming first time grandmothers is 47 so I am just a bit past that and oh so ready. I have reflected, as I am sure most women do after hearing the news. I'm a mother, a wife, a sister, a Relief Society president, coordinator at the temple, occasionally a dreamer ... but a grandmother? What a thrill!
I loved my grandmothers and was especially close to Grandma Federer. I was able to spend time with her almost everyday. I knew she loved me. No matter what she was doing, she would stop and make time for me. She often included me in what she was doing.
Currently 35 to 40 million women are grandmothers. By 2020 another 40 million Baby Boomer women will be grandmothers. There is literally a “Grandmother Population Boom.” Having a grandmother actually reduces by half an infant’s chance of dying. This advantage, is often dubbed “The Grandmother Factor.” It seems that grandmothers’ goodness and loving involvement with grandkids existed long before anybody called it “spoiling.”
So it is my turn to be a grandmother and I'm happy to be among the millions who are already grandmothers. I want to be the kind of grandmother that I had. I want to share time with my grandchildren, give them a feeling of complete acceptance and love, and make them feel special. I can't wait to read a story together and go to McDonald's for lunch! And, yes I am afraid I might spoil them.