Monday, October 31, 2016

Drink no liquor, and they eat but a very little meat...

We sang "In Our Lovely Deseret" in sacrament meeting on Sunday. I always smile when I sing this song.  The text encourages Latter-day Saints to be "polite", affable and kind", and to "treat everybody right." I think this might be the only hymn that mentions the Word of Wisdom. I think it's an odd song, but it does have some good advice for young and old.

In our lovely Deseret,
Where the Saints of God have met,
There’s a multitude of children all around.
They are generous and brave;
They have precious souls to save;
They must listen and obey the gospel’s sound.

Hark! Hark! Hark! ’tis children’s music–
Children’s voices, oh, how sweet,
When in innocence and love,
Like the angels up above,
They with happy hearts and cheerful faces meet.

That the children may live long
And be beautiful and strong,
Tea and coffee and tobacco they despise,
Drink no liquor, and they eat
But a very little meat;
They are seeking to be great and good and wise.

They should be instructed young
How to watch and guard the tongue,
And their tempers train and evil passions bind;
They should always be polite,
And treat ev’rybody right,
And in ev’ry place be affable and kind.

They must not forget to pray,
Night and morning ev’ry day,
For the Lord to keep them safe from ev’ry ill,
And assist them to do right,
That with all their mind and might
They may love him and may learn to do his will.

~Eliza R. Snow, 1804-1887

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Until next Spring...

Today was Cash's last soccer game until Spring. I enjoyed every game. It's not only fun to watch him play, but it's also so good to be with family, and I love hold the grandbabies on the sidelines. I was very proud of Cash. He has learned to defend, to be a team player, and he runs really fast! It was also fun to watch Mark coach a couple of the games. Until next Spring...

 Good job Fire!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Creative, Clever, and Cute...

Cash adds his own creative touch to all his artwork. He colored the stems on the leaves and put marks to show the bird is flying. I love this Fall scene he made tonight! 

Very clever carved pumpkins on the porch. Grey painted his very own pumpkin.

And this very cute Tiger all ready for Halloween!

 (Photo credits to Mark)

(Photo credits to Tiff)

That cute face!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Selfies and Fall Break fun...

Yesterday was my last day off for awhile, and I thought about cleaning the house for about a minute! I decided it would be a whole lot more fun to take Cash and Colby to lunch. When I went to get them it was almost Grey's nap time. He wanted to go and stood at the door. He was watching us walk to the car and he yelled, "Grandma" a few times. I won't be able to do that anymore, it hurt my heart.

Cash said, "Grandma you haven't taken us on a date for awhile." Then he said, "Probably because I was at school." We had so much fun. We laughed a lot and Cash and Colby were singing and saying some hilarious stuff.

Colby always wants to go to JCW's and Cash wanted to go to Cabela's for some target practice. 

 Thanks for a really wonderful day!

Clever Cash...

Monday, October 24, 2016

Do not weary by the way...

If the way be full of trial, weary not. If it's one of sore denial, weary not. If it now be one of weeping, there will come a joyous greeting, when the harvest we are reaping-- Weary not. Do not weary by the way, whatever be thy lot; there awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not.
If the way be one of sorrow, weary not. Weary not. Happiness will be the morrow, weary not. Weary not. Here we suffer tribulation; here we must endure temptation. But there'll come a great salvation. Weary not. Weary not. Oh, do not weary by the way, whatever be thy lot; there awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not.
If misfortune overtake us, weary not. Jesus never will forsake us-- Weary not. He will leave us never, never; from his love there's naught can sever; glory to the Lamb forever-- Weary not. Do not weary by the way, whatever be thy lot; there awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not. There awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not. Weary not!

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang this song during a session of the last General Conference. I really like this hymn. Who doesn't get weary occasionally? "There awaits a brighter day to all, to all who weary not. Weary not!"

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Party for Grey...

We finished off Grey's birthday week with a fun party. He liked opening gifts and licking icing off the candles!

 I love the expression on Colby's face.

Family picture that could possibly used for Christmas cards this year!


Friday, October 21, 2016

Birthday boy...

I'm powerless in the face of this cute two-year-old.

 This darling birthday boy melts my heart.

Happy Birthday Grey!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

I love Fall...

I love winter. Spring is nice. Let's skip summer and do fall twice!