Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote for the week of 4-27-2009

When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,

when you start to get mad ...

you should do what I do!
Just tell yourself, Duckie,
you're really quite lucky!

Some people are much more ...

oh, ever so much more ...

oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!

Think they work you too hard ...?

Think of poor Ali Sard!

He has to mow grass in his uncle's back yard

and it's quick-growing grass

and it grows as he mows it.
The faster he mows it, the faster he grows it.

And all that his stingy old uncle will pay

for his shoving that mower around in that hay

is the piffulous pay of two Dooklas a day.

And Ali can't live on such piffulous pay!

Thank goodness for all of the things you are not!

Thank goodness you're not something someone forgot,

and left all alone in some punkerish place

like a rusty tin coat hanger hanging in space.
That's what I say, "Duckie!

Don't grumble! Don't stew!

Some critters are much-much,

oh, ever so much-much
so muchly much-much more unlucky than you!"

~ Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a difference a week makes!

Last Wednesday ~ April 15!

This Wednesday ~ April 22!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dusty Hooter Williams

Just last week Chris and Mark were lamenting about how much they miss Dusty. This post is for them. Dusty got cancer (even our sweet little dog didn't escape this disease) and we had to put him asleep 3 years ago today.

Mark desperately wanted a dog so right before his eighth birthday Chris and I went to all the pet shops in the valley looking for the perfect puppy. Dusty was the last of his brothers and sisters to find a family. Chris and I felt like he was waiting for us. The store clerk took him out of the kennel and he ran right to Chris. I called Tim to make sure he was still on board and he said, "Has Chris held him." I said, "Yes" and Tim said, "Well, then it is a done deal." He was right. We fell in love with his fun, energetic personality ... not too mention he was so adorable.
Chris and I put him in a box and we had Mark's birthday party. Dusty did not make a sound while he opened his gifts. Mark was totally surprised when he looked in the box and saw him. Needless to say, he was one happy 8 year old! I love a good surprise!

Our friend Luke saw him the next day and nicknamed him "Hooter" because the white around his eyes reminded him of an owl. We called him Dusty Hooter from then on!

Dusty loved Chris and Mark and always wanted to be where they were. He waited patiently all day while they were at school and came alive when he saw them get off the school bus.

Chris and Mark taught him lots of tricks and games. His favorite game was Hide and Go Seek.

Dusty always had a gift under the tree at Christmastime. It was a tradition after we had opened all our gifts to let him have a turn. He seemed to know exactly what it was all about and loved getting a new toy and doggy treats.

There just has to be a doggy heaven!

Quote for the week of 4-20-2009

"Be of good cheer.
The future is as bright as your fait

~ Thomas S. Monson (April 2009)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Merry Christmas?!!

So... I don't remember having a spring storm like this in many years. We woke up to about 9 inches of snow and a beautiful winter-like wonderland!

They, whoever THEY are say we need it so we will have enough water and important stuff like that. Hold on, next week temperatures are suppose to be in the 70's.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Favorite Conference Message

" ... one of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path—the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said, “I will not leave you comfortless. [My Father and] I will come to you [and abide with you].”
~Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (April 2009)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quote for the week of 4-13-2009

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~ Marianne Williamson

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christopher's New Career

Well ... Chris has been training for his new career in law enforcement. Proper use of a handgun is essential and he has been practicing for weeks.

Chris will attempt to get criminals off the street, such as seen in this picture. Chester M. Lester is wanted in five states and there is an outstanding warrant for his arrest.

Just kidding!!! Chris has a humble new office in downtown Provo. Importing goods from China has been a dream of his for many years. He hopes to have some measure of success in this new business adventure. So we are all cheering on our college grad!!

Trinsic Imports open for business - April 11, 2009

I have just started helping him decorate the office. We decided to go with an Asian theme (for obvious reasons) and use some of the treasures he brought home from Taiwan. Guandong is a Chinese Warrior and will no doubt give him courage and good luck.

This painting is an original and was a gift from a women that Chris taught the gospel and baptized. So if you are ever in downtown Provo stop by and say Hi. Hao Yun son!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quote for the week of 4-6-2009

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.

I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died.

Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me
enough to die for me!
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!

“Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the morning stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever! And again I say, how glorious is the voice we hear from heaven, proclaiming in our ears, glory, and salvation, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; kingdoms, principalities, and powers!” (Doctrine and Covenants 128:23)

Friday, April 3, 2009

For Tiff!!

Tiffani is 23 today!
We celebrate the day you were born and
the day you came into our lives.

Happy Birthday Tiffani, we love you tons!!

I had to wait forty-nine years before you came into my life. And then, there you were... fresh-faced, hair swinging, that marvelous smile enhanced by the altogether lovely spirit shining in your sparkling blue eyes. Mark proudly presented you to me and I knew you were THE ONE. I'd often wondered how I would feel when the first of my sons "got serious" about a girl. It's not that I thought you wouldn't be "worthy" -- or that you wouldn't love him enough or
believe in his dreams or laugh at his jokes. I knew you would support his decisions yet stand up for your own. I knew you would you be strong through the bad times and cherish the good times. I did wonder if you would you like me. And if I would I like you. And then I met you, and I knew... how easy it would be, not only to like you but to love you. You are my daughter-in-law and will always have a special place in my heart.

You are loved for 23 reasons and more!
  1. You are so pleasant
  2. You have a good sense of humor
  3. You are beautiful inside and out
  4. You don't interrupt people when their talking
  5. You see the good in people
  6. Your wonderful smile
  7. Your happy dance
  8. Your patience
  9. Your sparkling eyes
  10. Your common sense
  11. Your kind ways
  12. Your devotion to Mark
  13. You are smart
  14. Your work ethic
  15. You treat others with respect
  16. You are humble
  17. You are sensitive
  18. You are loyal
  19. You respect others opinions
  20. Your positive attitude
  21. You are NOT a picky eater
  22. You respect and honor your parents
  23. Your fun, but competitive side