Mark desperately wanted a dog so right before his eighth birthday Chris and I went to all the pet shops in the valley looking for the perfect puppy. Dusty was the last of his brothers and sisters to find a family. Chris and I felt like he was waiting for us. The store clerk took him out of the kennel and he ran right to Chris. I called Tim to make sure he was still on board and he said, "Has Chris held him." I said, "Yes" and Tim said, "Well, then it is a done deal." He was right. We fell in love with his fun, energetic personality ... not too mention he was so adorable. Chris and I put him in a box and we had Mark's birthday party. Dusty did not make a sound while he opened his gifts. Mark was totally surprised when he looked in the box and saw him. Needless to say, he was one happy 8 year old! I love a good surprise!

There just has to be a doggy heaven!