Monday, October 31, 2011

Quote for the Week - Halloween

 "Double, double toil and trouble, 
fire burn and cauldron bubble."
~ William Shakespeare, ~Macbeth
We had an almost all orange Halloween Sunday dinner! Mr. Cash is a big fan of raspberries. We have to hide them because it would eat the entire bowl!

Orange punch
Sweet potato chips
Roasted carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes
Pumpkin curry soup
Orange chicken
Orange rice, just kidding it was brown and white!
Pumpkin muffins with butter pecan ice cream

A grandmother pretends she doesn't 
know who you are on Halloween. 
~Erma Bombeck

 Grandpa's pumpkin ~ not bad!

Mark carved Elmo for Cash, so cute!

 Tiffani's pumpkin ~ lots of detail, very good!

Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh I Wish I Was in Dixie...

My dear friend Billie invited me to go with her to St. George. We had a relaxing weekend. We enjoyed shopping, dining, shopping, dining and a movie for good measure! By the way go see Dolphin Tale, it exceeded my expectations. Definitely worth seeing!

Views from the Nixon Villa...

I can't believe I'm blogging about the Texas Road House but I ate there for the first time and boy howdy it was good food!

Billie recommended the sweet potatoes, delicious. I wish I had the recipe! 
I had the grilled shrimp and the rolls with honey butter are to die for! Go there tonight, yummy food and you can country line dance!

As an added bonus we got to see my great-niece Gwyn and my great-nephew Abe in Snow Canyon's High School's production of the Wizard of Oz. It was one of the best high school plays I've seen. Dorothy was very talented, the sets and costumes were great, and... in my humble opinion Gwyn and Abe stole the show! I was really proud of them, that's a big commitment for children their ages. They performed in several matinees and four evening shows! 

I will never forget Gwyn blowing kisses to the audience at the conclusion of the show, so darling! Pam made Gwyn's costume and it was beautiful, way to go sister!

I didn't know this but Bravo is the Italian word for expressing appreciation to a male performer and Brava is the Italian word for expressing appreciation to a female performer. So Bravo to Abe and Brava to Gwyn, you were amazing.

Thanks for a wonderful weekend Billie!!! It was so nice to get away but for me there's no place like home...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Quote for the Week - Blessings

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

~ Jeffrey R. Holland

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday ~ Christopher and Lee!

I love these pictures, the expressions on Lee's face are priceless. I am so proud of Christopher, he has removed over 30 pounds. I say removed because if you say you lost 30 pounds that implies you might find them again! I fear Chris inherited some of my families genes so he has to work really hard to maintain a healthy weight. He has been consistent and it has paid off. He looks fantastic! He enjoys seeing his Uncle Lee at the gym. Lee has been very supportive and complimentary of his efforts!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quote for the Week - Music

 Without music, life would be a mistake.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche 

Cash loves to dance while Mark plays the guitar. He likes to strum the strings too. He loves music and always starts moving when he hears any music. Yesterday I played a Christmas CD, I know it's October but I couldn't help myself. It was a lively rendition of We Need a Little Christmas. Cash started dancing like I have never seen, it was so cute. I didn't want to spoil the moment and go searching for my camera. I was snapping my fingers and then he tried to snap his! I hope he will always find joy and comfort in good, uplifting music.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Tiffani went to Las Vegas for a girls getaway this past weekend. Cash slept over at Grandma's Friday night. I was happy to have Cash overnight so Mark could sleep in. Cash woke up about 3:30 for about an hour, then he slept until about 7:30. He's is so delightful first thing in the morning!

It was great Tiffani could get away but I have to say I really missed her. I love the boys in my life but it's sure pleasant to have another girl around!

Cash loved having pancakes for breakfast Saturday morning!! It's so cute how much he likes his ducky!

It's always a lot fun to have Cash around.

Coming or going, he looks so darling in his new Halloween jammies!!

Mark and Cash came over on Sunday. It's been cold and rainy but was warmer on Sunday so we played outside for a bit and then went for a stroll.

We also enjoyed having Lee over to celebrate his birthday! Chris made dinner and it was yummy, as always. Lee is on the verge of getting a deal for his PretendWear Color & Wash coloring toys for children! I hope so, we need some good news in our family.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cutest Cowboy Ever...

You thought this would be another post about Cash... well not this time! 

I just have to share these pictures of my great-nephew Paden!

Paden belongs to my niece Mandy and her hubby Riley. 

 And his grandpa is my brother Lloyd.

Paden participated in some rodeos this summer. He is in the youngest age group, 4-8 years old. (He was born April 25, 2007... really he's about 4 1/2 years old!) So he isn't "winning" anything, just getting some experience.

Mandy and Riley are very proud of how well he is riding. Mandy says, "I fear he is much like me, too independent. He feels way too comfortable in the saddle, and wants to ride by himself everywhere. Riley or I are ALWAYS near him when he's riding. Not Paden's idea of perfect, but he will understand, someday."

Mandy teaches 3rd grade at a school in Nebraska. She has sixteen 3rd grade students, 8 boys and 8 girls! 

Mandy is expecting her second baby, another boy and will have a planned c-section on 11-11-11... that's my birthday. I am excited that I will share my birthday with my newest great-nephew. I can't wait to meet him. Mandy has to drive about 30 miles one-way to teach school everyday. She's a devoted wife and mother. In addition to her full-time teaching job, she helps Riley run their ranch. 

She's amazing and I love her!!