Monday, October 31, 2011

Quote for the Week - Halloween

 "Double, double toil and trouble, 
fire burn and cauldron bubble."
~ William Shakespeare, ~Macbeth
We had an almost all orange Halloween Sunday dinner! Mr. Cash is a big fan of raspberries. We have to hide them because it would eat the entire bowl!

Orange punch
Sweet potato chips
Roasted carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes
Pumpkin curry soup
Orange chicken
Orange rice, just kidding it was brown and white!
Pumpkin muffins with butter pecan ice cream

A grandmother pretends she doesn't 
know who you are on Halloween. 
~Erma Bombeck

 Grandpa's pumpkin ~ not bad!

Mark carved Elmo for Cash, so cute!

 Tiffani's pumpkin ~ lots of detail, very good!

Happy Halloween!!