Sunday, October 31, 2021

Things I loved about October...

 Lee's birthday party 

Watching Grahm play soccer

Sleepover with Grahm

Birthday date with Grey

Birthday party for Grey

Boo Bash 

Walks with Chris 

Photo credits to Christopher 

Watching Cash play soccer 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Halloween jammies for Cashee!

How times flies. I love these pictures of Cash in his Halloween jammies!

Monday, October 25, 2021

You are loved...


Photo credit to Christopher

“When you know and understand how completely you are loved as a child of God, it changes everything.”

Susan H. Porter | ‘God’s Love: The Most Joyous to the Soul’
October 2021

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rainy day...

We were glad the rain held off so we could watch Grey's last game of the season. I'm thankful for the coaches, this season all the boys had good ones. 

Pictures by Grahm!

Colby took this one at Cash's game.

Grey's coach gathered the team around after the game and told the boys how proud he was of each of them. He gave them certificates with nicknames he chose. Grey's was "Grey The Brave." He said that he was brave because he would always try to be in the thick of it, and kick the ball. Grey had a big smile on his face when he said that.

Good job Grey!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Party. Pizza. Pumpkins.

We had a little birthday party for Grey yesterday. It was his actual birthday so it was awesome to celebrate Grey turning seven! We painted pumpkins, made pizza, and played outside on a beautiful Fall afternoon. 

Colby looks so handsome with a fresh haircut.

Battle Bot tournament and Grahm helping Grandpa in the airport.

We had lots of fun painting pumpkins, the boys were so creative.

Just a cute Who from Whoville! 

This sequence of pictures makes me smile. 
I love Grey's expressions but Colby's are the best! 

Time to decorate Grey's birthday cupcakes.

I feel blessed to be Grey's grandmother, I love him so very much! 

This was a day that I felt especially grateful for all I've been given.