Friday, March 30, 2018


Today one of the teachers asked me what I would be doing over Spring Break. I said that first on my list would be spending time with my grandson's and hopefully having a sleepover. He asked me how old they were, and I told him, then he said they are like puppies. I guess he meant they were still small. I thought about that, but they have many of the qualities puppies have!

Just like puppies Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm are irresistible.
You want to hugged them and play with them.
They love unconditionally, no strings attached.
They are forgiving.
Just seeing them can turn a bad day around.
They like a treat now and then!
And so much more...

I took a couple of my favorite puppies to a playground and the temple on Thursday. I miss having Cash with us, but summer is coming so he will be able to be with us more.

Colby has been wanting to show me a playground he likes for several weeks and we finally got to go. It's a very fun and colorful!

Colby is fearless, it makes me nervous but he always says he will be careful.

Thanks to Colby for taking this picture!

Chickens living right next door.

The boys are always so sweet to let me take pictures, then they will say, can I see it?

We walked around the temple to see the flowers, it was a little early but they were still pretty.

I never tell Colby to hug Grey, he just does it because he's a loving boy.

After I took this picture Grey said, I hugged Colby.

What a beautiful Spring day.

Who needs a puppy when you have four adorable grandsons!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

ThrowBack Thursday...

Games with Grandpa!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blessing day...

We had a really wonderful day with our families on Sunday. It was blessing day for Grahm. Mark gave Grahm a beautiful blessing. When he said he would be known as Grahm Ivan, I felt my Dad was near. I'm sure Dad will always be one of Grahm's guardian angels.

There is something special about having a baby blessing at home. We appreciated having the Bishop there.

How we love this beautiful family.

Too bad we had our eyes closed, 
what do you expect from senior citizens!

I was holding Grahm and Cash said, 
I really want to hold him.

I love it when our family is all together.

Tiffani has a wonderful family. It was a real treat to have Grandma Darling at the blessing. She's so charming and the boys love her.

a little bit of heaven
sent down to earth

Monday, March 26, 2018


The Doer of Good Becomes Good

Ronald W. Poplau

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Today was a nice day. I got to stay with Grahm while Grandpa and Tiffani took the big boys to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Mark the criminal, had to go to traffic school... I guess he was speeding! Tiffani helped the boys make Easter baskets out of milk jugs. She's quite the artist. The hunt lasted about a minute but the boys had fun.

I stayed for awhile after they got home and played games. I really love to play games with Cash, Colby, and Grey.

Cash is always engineering and creating something amazing!

The boys made bird feeders out 
of pine cones and hung them outside. 

It was sweet to watch Mark playing the guitar with Grahm!

It was a rainy Spring day and some of our bushes are starting to get yellow blossoms on them. I'm excited for warmer weather and Spring Break is coming in about a week... nine days off!