Monday, September 28, 2020


“An old proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” There is something wonderful and hopeful about the word now. There is something empowering about the fact that if we choose to decide now, we can move forward at this very moment. 
First Presidency Message | The Best Time to Plant a Tree 
President Uchtdorf - January 2014

All we have is now,
All we've ever had was now.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Prayer changes things...

It doesn't matter what religion you are, this is impressive. I admire Franklin Graham, son of the late Billie Graham for organizing a Prayer March that was held in Washington D.C. yesterday. I wish I could have been there.

The Bible says, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16).
Yesterday in Washington, DC, tens of thousands of Christians did just that. I’m so grateful for each one who made the effort to come—from all across the country—and to pray that God would help our nation in this time of need. We confessed our sins and the sins of our country, and we asked that the Lord would help us, heal us, and turn hearts to Him. We prayed for our leaders—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—as Scripture instructs. And we are incredibly thankful that Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence joined us at the Lincoln Memorial so that we could pray for them in person. It is my hope that even though the March is over, the focus on prayer has just begun. I hope we have been revived and reminded of the need for prayer and the power in prayer. God bless you.
~ Franklin Graham

Prayer changes things.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Cool Colby!

Colby is just a cool guy and I love him! He set up a pretty sweet tower and it's always fun to watch it fall.

Colby had a few holes in his socks so I told him I would sew them. He asked if he could help and he did a good job!

What a cool boy! 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Does that make sense?

I have several pumpkins arranged on the front porch. Grahm likes to rearrange them, and put them on the bench that Tim made. He got them all on the bench and then said, "Does that make sense?" All I could do was smile!

For several years I have had a Fall tree. Grahm was helping decorate the tree when he said, "It is Christmas?" Then he asked several times, "Where is the star?" I tried to explain the concept of a Fall tree and I hope I haven't confused him too much. He is so smart and hopefully he will understand when he sees the Fall tree become a Christmas tree!

And these two brothers who melt my heart...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Celebration for our favorite 8 year old!

Birthday morning surprise for Colby!

My mom made so many beautiful wedding and birthday cakes. I thought of her as I was making a birthday cake for Colby. I wish I had her flare but I did my best. Colby’s current favorite color is turquoise. He liked his cake and we had a fun celebration on Sunday for our favorite eight year old. Colby requested baked potatoes and chili, and the chili Tiffani made was delicious! 

Colby was determined to be the one to blow his birthday candle. He was keeping an eye on Grahm! 

I was happy I found a turquoise sweatshirt for Colby! 

I asked Colby what he wanted for his birthday and Heelys were at the top on the list.

There was a little bit of a learning curve, but Colby is figuring out how to roll along on his new shoes.

Grahm is partied out! 

Happy Birthday Colbs! We love you.

Monday, September 21, 2020


 … blowing bubbles!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

8 is great!

Today is a special birthday for our Colby. I can't believe he's 8 years old already. I feel like he should still be age 4. It seems like every year goes by faster but each year gets better and better! Colby is all boy. He burps and wrestles with his brothers. But I also see him trying to have good manners. He always tells me thank you when I make dinner or give him something. He helps with chores around the house and takes turns mowing the lawn. Colby also has a tender heart. I have watched him with Grahm, and he explains things to him, and will often hug and kiss him. He makes sure he's safe when they are playing and is protective of him. I love our piano lesson days. Colby has real potential and I see him improve each week. He likes to make things and tries his best. He likes to play baseball, soccer and be outside. I've said this so many times, but Colby has the sweetest face and warmest smile. He is fun and just an incredible boy. We love Colby so much!

8 things I love about Colby Mark Williams!

He has a cute sense of humor.
He is kind.
He is a good sport.
He is a great friend.
He is curious.
He is determined.
He is confidant and fearless!
He is strong.

Happy 8th Birthday Colby

Happy 8th Birthday Colby!