Thursday, December 30, 2021

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Colby!

Just our sweet Colby!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas Morning Brunch...

Christmas morning with the family, what could be better? We had more than enough delicious food and and I was grateful for all the help from Tim, Chris, Mark, and Tiff. We were also happy that Cindi could join us. It's only been a few weeks since Brad passed and to be honest it's still so hard to believe. I hope Cindi felt some comfort being with us. It was nice to give her a hug and tell her we love her.

The Christmas Cracker tradition continues, 
they had nicer prizes this year!

Colby played a song on the piano and read the Christmas story from Bible. He did so good, then we sang Silent Night. We exchanged gifts after, and it was heartwarming to see all the thoughtful and generous gifts. I will always remember that Mark wrapped the gifts he gave us! 

How cool is Colby's shark shirt!

I made a photo book for Tim with pictures of just Grandpa and Grahm... best buddies forever. I also wrote a poem to celebrate their sweet relationship.

Grandpa and Grahm

Grandpa and Grahm were best buddies from the start

The first time he held Grahm, Grandpa felt so much joy in his heart.


Grandpa enjoyed pushing Grahm in his stroller around the block

He was excited for the day when Grahm could talk!


On warm summer days Grandpa plays outside with his sweet boy

Grandpa makes up games while they play with all the toys.


Grandpa blows bubbles for Grahm and that fills him with glee

Grahm laughs and pops them as fast as can be.


Grahm will ask Grandpa to play downstairs with him

They have sword fights and the good times never seem to dim.


Grahm likes to read books with Grandpa sitting in a cozy spot

There is never enough time to do all the things they like a lot.


Grandpa’s garden is where you will often find the two of them

They eat lots of tomatoes that taste like yummy gems.


Grandpa’s woodshop is a place Grahm has lots of fun

He helps vacuum up the sawdust and doesn’t stop until it’s all done.


Grahm gives Grandpa lots of warm smiles and hugs

Then they go outside to search for a few bugs!


It would make Grandpa happy if he could see Grahm every day

He loves him so much, what else is there to say?


Written by Grandma

December 4, 2021

Grahm said, "It's about you and me."

Colby has already learned a song on the accordion!

I surprised the boys with a foosball table, I think I will let them take it to their house. It was get more use there and I hope it will be lots of fun. Thanks to Gramps for putting it together!

After a few games we came upstairs and ate cinnamon rolls. We also put Grey's new BattleBot arena together. He's wanted one for a long time!

I'm so thankful we could be together and for this Christmas season when we remember the Savior. I'm grateful for His redeeming love, grace, mercy, and loving-kindness.

I love my family.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Eve sunset walk...

Christmas Eve we enjoyed a nice, flavorful meal prepared by Chris. He even made a rack of lamb! My contribution was French onion soup and Tres Leches cake. It's been three years since Christopher has been with us for Christmas and I was so grateful he wasn't thousands of miles away. I didn't take too many pictures but the Christmas Eve sunset was stunning. Chris and I went for a walk after we ate and we couldn't believe how lucky we were to see it. It started to rain on our way back so it made for a magical evening.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Believe in the magic...

I want to remember a message that I wrote and posted on Facebook, because I want to always remember how blessed I was to have Mary Kay in my life. She really was one of kind and I miss her.

To Carl, Jimmy, and Jake

December 2017

I have been thinking about all of you a lot this month. I know you are missing your Mom and Dad. Another "first" without them. I read this thoughtful message that Mary Kay posted just a few days before Christmas last year. She had such a wonderful way of reminding us all what is most important. She did believe in the magic of Christmas, I hope you feel some of that magic the next few days. Tears came as I read this sentence... "Sending each of you hugs and love to last a lifetime." I hope that you feel a Heavenly hug and the deep love she has for each of you. I wish all of you a merry, and maybe more important a peaceful Christmas. Love you
Mary Kay - December 22, 2016 • It's Christmas everywhere. I always smile when people say they don't believe in Christmas. I want to say, of course you believe in Christmas and it's magic. Do you believe Christ was born on December 25th? Do you take your child or grandbaby to see Santa Claus? Do you drive around looking at the bright colored lights? Do you go to their Christmas Concert without calling it just a concert? Do you buy, wrap and hide Christmas presents? Do you go home for that dinner at the long table surrounded with family, friends, and more food then you will all eat in a week? Do you go to church for the first time since last year at this time? Do you hold the door open for strangers? Do you say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet? Did you go to an Ugly Sweater party? Did you share a Christmas memory on your hometown's Facebook page? Did you sing along with a Christmas song on the radio? If you answered yes or smiled at one of these, yep, you believe in the magic of Christmas. Maybe just a little, maybe a lot, but either way I believe "you believe." This Christmas I wish each of you the courage to let go of any anger, fear or hate that may of found it's way into your life this past year, and replace it with hope, joy and peace. Sending each of you hugs and love to last a lifetime. Merry Christmas to each of you, I'm blessed you are apart of my life today and always.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Sweet Shepherd boy...

I know I have probably posted these pictures before, but they are some of favorites of Cash. What a beautiful, sweet shepherd boy. 

We can all still play a part in the Christmas story by being kind and serving others.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2