To Carl, Jimmy, and Jake
December 2017
I have been thinking about all of you a lot this month. I know you are missing your Mom and Dad. Another "first" without them. I read this thoughtful message that Mary Kay posted just a few days before Christmas last year. She had such a wonderful way of reminding us all what is most important. She did believe in the magic of Christmas, I hope you feel some of that magic the next few days. Tears came as I read this sentence... "Sending each of you hugs and love to last a lifetime." I hope that you feel a Heavenly hug and the deep love she has for each of you. I wish all of you a merry, and maybe more important a peaceful Christmas. Love you
Mary Kay - December 22, 2016 • It's Christmas everywhere. I always smile when people say they don't believe in Christmas. I want to say, of course you believe in Christmas and it's magic. Do you believe Christ was born on December 25th? Do you take your child or grandbaby to see Santa Claus? Do you drive around looking at the bright colored lights? Do you go to their Christmas Concert without calling it just a concert? Do you buy, wrap and hide Christmas presents? Do you go home for that dinner at the long table surrounded with family, friends, and more food then you will all eat in a week? Do you go to church for the first time since last year at this time? Do you hold the door open for strangers? Do you say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet? Did you go to an Ugly Sweater party? Did you share a Christmas memory on your hometown's Facebook page? Did you sing along with a Christmas song on the radio? If you answered yes or smiled at one of these, yep, you believe in the magic of Christmas. Maybe just a little, maybe a lot, but either way I believe "you believe." This Christmas I wish each of you the courage to let go of any anger, fear or hate that may of found it's way into your life this past year, and replace it with hope, joy and peace. Sending each of you hugs and love to last a lifetime. Merry Christmas to each of you, I'm blessed you are apart of my life today and always.