Saturday, March 24, 2018


Today was a nice day. I got to stay with Grahm while Grandpa and Tiffani took the big boys to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Mark the criminal, had to go to traffic school... I guess he was speeding! Tiffani helped the boys make Easter baskets out of milk jugs. She's quite the artist. The hunt lasted about a minute but the boys had fun.

I stayed for awhile after they got home and played games. I really love to play games with Cash, Colby, and Grey.

Cash is always engineering and creating something amazing!

The boys made bird feeders out 
of pine cones and hung them outside. 

It was sweet to watch Mark playing the guitar with Grahm!

It was a rainy Spring day and some of our bushes are starting to get yellow blossoms on them. I'm excited for warmer weather and Spring Break is coming in about a week... nine days off!