Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh I Wish I Was in Dixie...

My dear friend Billie invited me to go with her to St. George. We had a relaxing weekend. We enjoyed shopping, dining, shopping, dining and a movie for good measure! By the way go see Dolphin Tale, it exceeded my expectations. Definitely worth seeing!

Views from the Nixon Villa...

I can't believe I'm blogging about the Texas Road House but I ate there for the first time and boy howdy it was good food!

Billie recommended the sweet potatoes, delicious. I wish I had the recipe! 
I had the grilled shrimp and the rolls with honey butter are to die for! Go there tonight, yummy food and you can country line dance!

As an added bonus we got to see my great-niece Gwyn and my great-nephew Abe in Snow Canyon's High School's production of the Wizard of Oz. It was one of the best high school plays I've seen. Dorothy was very talented, the sets and costumes were great, and... in my humble opinion Gwyn and Abe stole the show! I was really proud of them, that's a big commitment for children their ages. They performed in several matinees and four evening shows! 

I will never forget Gwyn blowing kisses to the audience at the conclusion of the show, so darling! Pam made Gwyn's costume and it was beautiful, way to go sister!

I didn't know this but Bravo is the Italian word for expressing appreciation to a male performer and Brava is the Italian word for expressing appreciation to a female performer. So Bravo to Abe and Brava to Gwyn, you were amazing.

Thanks for a wonderful weekend Billie!!! It was so nice to get away but for me there's no place like home...