"All that I am or ever hope to be,
I owe to my angel Mother."
~ Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
~ Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

I found these cute pictures of Mom the other day. I miss my Mom and wish everyday she lived down the street. My Mom gave me religious instruction and taught me why it is important to choose the right path. She taught me say my bedtime prayers when I was little. She took me to church each Sunday and showed by her example how to live a Christian life. She had enough love for all her children ~ a bottomless well of love. She sacrificed her own life for all of us in countless ways. Life has not always been easy for her but she is optimistic and an inspiration to me.
Thanks for all you taught me, Mom!
I am so grateful to be a mother and mother-in-law. It's all I really ever wanted and so my dream has come true. Thankfully there is no expiration date on my job as a mother!