Monday, May 30, 2016

There's a Difference...

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day we celebrate (and memorialize) those who have died serving in the military. Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day.

Veteran's Day

Veteran’s Day is the day we celebrate (and say thanks to) those who previously served in the military.  In the USA, Veteran's Day annually falls on November 11th. 

Armed Forces Day 
Armed Forces Day is the day we celebrate (and thank) those who are currently serving in the military. This holiday is celebrated third Saturday of May.

Memorial Day 2016

Beautiful roses created by Lee

Testimony and Conversion...

Testimony is personal knowledge of spiritual truth obtained by revelation. Conversion is an enlarging, a deepening, and a broadening of the under-girding base of testimony. Conversion is an offering of self, of love, and of loyalty we give to God in gratitude for the gift of testimony. Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion. 
~ Elder David A. Bednar ("Converted Unto the Lord," Ensign, Nov. 2012)
To testify is to know and declare. The gospel challenges us to be "converted", which requires us to do and become. 
~ Elder Dallin H.Oaks ('The Challenge to Become" Ensign, Nov. 2000)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Last day!

Well, I made it through another school year. I can't believe I've been working at Lincoln Academy for three years. It has become more enjoyable every year! I miss Mr. Kano but the teacher that replaced him is wonderful. Mrs. Jones is an excellent teacher and I enjoyed helping her. I hope I am her assistant next school year.

We had several changes this year. I became the supervisor and I have been told I did a good job. Mr. Hunt said, "You have done an amazing job this Spring as supervisor! It has been so nice being able to work with you in that role."

 Teresa ~ Rachel ~ Tori ~ Leslie ~ Me ~ Chase

I really appreciated my TA's. They were flexible and willing to help out. Rarely was there any complaining!

I also was grateful for the opportunity I had to teach the leadership class. We had some wonderful discussions.

Signing yearbooks on the last day

Candy is the music teacher and she and Tori are good friends and roommates. They make school a lot more fun. I cleaned Candy's classroom while she was at Lagoon Day with the 9th graders. She was very grateful.

Kailey and Megan call me Grandma, sweet girls.

Mrs. Puida, she will not be coming back next year. She is sweet and was always so appreciative of anything I did to help her. She told me I look like her mother. She is a wonderful teacher but not very organized. She's young and will get better at that. 

Mrs. Puida wrote me a note and it said: Thank you for everything you have done for us and for being there for us when things got rough! We will never forget you. Love you very much! The Puida family

Mr. Kano came today to sign yearbooks and get his mini fridge. The students were so excited to see him.

My room looks strange without desks. See you in the Fall.

Here's to a great summer!

Sweet and Silly...

Oh you know, just another fun dinner date at Colby's favorite spot. Cash gets to choose where we eat next time!

I love this picture of Cash!

I need to get a bigger car so Grey can come with us! 
I love my grandsons.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dad's boots...

I got my Dad's boots after he passed away. I kept them because my brothers all wear a different size than he did. I have enjoyed looking at them through the years and thinking of him. He looked so handsome in his western shirts and boots.
I took the boots to the Federer Family Reunion last summer to see if any other family members wanted them. Everyone has bigger feet than Dad! My cousins Brenda came to the reunion all the way from Oklahoma. She told me she makes purses and could make one from Dad's boots. I thought it was a great idea.

This package came in the mail today.

I love my new purse and I think Brenda did a beautiful job. She mailed the purse in the original boot box. She told me it was difficult to cut them knowing they were my Dad's. She said Dad was the best and she enjoyed making them for me.

Having this purse as a keepsake means so much to me. It reminds of how blessed I was to have such a wonderful Dad. I still miss him.

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Aunt Mildred...

My dear Aunt Mildred passed away last Friday, May 20th. This was not unexpected, however it made me sad. She has been failing for some time now and in considerable pain. It's always a relief to know the suffering is over. I have been talking with my cousin Patti and was grateful for the updates. I wish I could have seen Aunt Mildred and my cousins more through the years, but Arkansas was so far away. When Grandma and Grandpa Ames were still alive, they came to Cheyenne almost every summer. We always had a lot of fun. I did visit them in Arkansas one time, it was so hot!

I will miss talking with Aunt Mildred on the phone. I will also miss her sense of humor and cute accent. I loved hearing her reminisce and tell stories about our family. She was so proud of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She was positive and I never heard her say anything unkind. She and Mom were more than sisters, they were best friends. She sent me a note awhile back and ended it with this: “Kenny, Roseanne, Marion, Ernie, Lloyd, Les, and Eileen were known as 'The Federer Brats' and Carol, Scott, Patti and Susie were known as the 'Warr Kids'.........Brats or Kids, You are Dearly Loved !!!!” Love you forever Aunt Mildred, until we meet again.

 Aunt Mildred and Mom

 Aunt Mildred in Paris

 Me, Patti and Aunt Mildred

Uncle Ken, Mom and Aunt Mildred 
at Mom's 80th birthday party 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Brightens my day...

Tim and I went for a Sunday drive to Christopher's place. It always brightens up my day to see him. He had some delicious roasted potatoes with an egg on top all ready as soon as we arrived. 

We played a game of Yahtzee and this was one of my rolls!

While Tim took a nap, Chris and I went for a brisk walk around Sugarhouse Park. It was a gorgeous day. I love these days before it gets too hot.

Chris made the most delicious Banh Mi sandwiches with pickled vegetables on a brioche bun. It was divine! We also had pot-stickers and broccolini... gourmet all the way!

Beautiful tree in Christopher's front yard... 

It was so nice to visit and be together. Thanks Chris!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday's Musings ~ The impossible...

The Lord never asks the impossible. Often the difficult, but never the impossible.
~ David B. Haight (April 1993)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wordless Wednesday ~ Grey doing his chores...

(Photo credits to Mark)

Monday, May 16, 2016

I am Content...

"I am Content" by John Burroughs

"The longer I live the more my mind dwells upon the beauty and wonder of the world.

I have loved the feel of the grass under my feet, and the sound of the running streams by my side. The hum of the wind in the tree-tops has always been good music to me, and the face of the fields has often comforted me more than the faces of men.

I am in love with this world; by my constitution I have nestled lovingly in it. It has been home. It has been my point of outlook into the universe. I have not bruised myself against it, nor tried to use it ignobly.

I have tilled its soil, I have gathered its harvests, I have waited upon its seasons, and always have I reaped what I have sown.

While I delved I did not lose sight of the sky overhead. While I gathered its bread and meat for my body, I did not neglect to gather its bread and meat for my soul.
I have climbed its mountains, roamed its forests, sailed its waters, crossed its deserts, felt the sting of its frosts, the oppression of its heats, the drench of its rains, the fury of its winds, and always have beauty and joy waited upon my goings and comings."

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Saturday Soccer...

I can't think of a better way to start the day than to watch Cash play soccer. It was so fun watching him today. He had a good game and we finally got to see him use the "Big Booty!" He also learned the skill "Sharks and Minnows" that has something to do with blocking shots. Mark asked him if he could hear us cheer for him and he said no, I am paying attention to the game! After each game a soccer mom brings treats for the team. Colby was sad that he didn't get any. On the way back to the car Cash put his arm around Colby, and he told him he would share. It was so sweet, Cash is a good big brother. When they got in the car I told them good bye, then Cash looked at me and smiled the most loving smile. It melted my heart!

 Superhero Heart Breaker!

Colby took this picture

and Grey took these!