Monday, August 31, 2009

100 Years!! Homestead Book Entry #1

Next March it will 100 years since my Grandpa, Theodore Ernest Federer at the age of 23, left his home in Mason City, Illinois to file a claim for the so called "free land" out West. In March of 1910 he rode the train from Indiana to Cheyenne, Wyoming. In anticipation of this important anniversary, I am putting together a book as a tribute to the legacy he and Grandma left us. With the help of my Dad's brothers and sisters I will gather pictures and stories to document the amazing life they lived. How I love my grandparents. I continue to be influenced by their courage and examples. As a warm-up to "the book" I am posting pictures and stories about the Federer family.
Grandma and Grandpa Federer
56th Wedding Anniversary ~ October 23, 1971
Next week ...
Great-Grandpa Federer ~ Johann Ludwig "Louis" Federer

Quote for the week

“I am so busy doing nothing ... that the idea of doing anything ~ which as you know, always leads to something ~ cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.” 

~ Jerry Seinfeld

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Temple Blessings

An on-going blessing in my life is to be able to serve at the Mount Timpanogos Temple. Every Tuesday for almost four years, I go to this sacred House of the Lord. The Mount Timpanogos Temple was the 49th temple built of the now 130 that are in operation. In April 1993 plans were announced to build this temple in American Fork, Utah. The site for this temple included 17 acres of farmland already owned by the Church and had once been a part of a Church Welfare farm. It is OUR temple and it's ten minutes away!

Tim, Chris, Mark and I were there as the Angel Moroni was lifted to its resting place on the 190-foot spire of the temple in July of 1995, twenty thousand people crowded the streets to gaze at what was taking place. The Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple was dedicated on October 13, 1996 by President Hinckley and it was a privileged to be inside the temple on that day. Prior to the dedication, nearly seven hundred thousand people attended the open house and Tim, Chris and I were volunteers. Mark was 11 and just missed being old enough to help. During the dedicatory prayer, President Hinckley asked the Lord to bless the temple and those who enter it, "May its beauty never be marred by evil hands. May it stand strong against the winds and storms that will beat upon it. May it be a beacon of peace and a refuge to the troubled. May it be a holy sanctuary to those whose burdens are heavy and who seek thy consoling comfort."

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have,
and one of the best things you can be. ~ Douglas Pagels

I was asked a few months ago to be the Initiatory Coordinator. Initiatories are one of sacred ordinances performed in the temple. Sister Wright, one of our shift coordinators told me that I needed to choose someone to be my assistant. Immediately I thought of my sweet friend Betsy Maughan. Betsy and I had been serving on the same shift for a few years. Sister Wright said, you pray about it and let me know. I told her that I would pray about it but I was sure I would still have the same answer. She said, who did you think of? I said, Betsy and Sister Wright agreed that she would be a wonderful assistant!

Betsy is just a joy to be around. She is so loving and kind. She is currently serving as a ward Relief Society president and is always a wonderful example to me. She is a lovely person inside and out. We are a team and try keep the initiatory area running smoothly even when 20 sisters are waiting! We try to stay calm and make it a good experience for the patrons who come the temple. We seldom get a chance to sit down so after almost 7 hours our little feet are tired! Betsy and I will serve together for a year. Lucky me!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quote for the week

The Difference between Love and Kindness 

By the goodness of God we mean nowadays almost exclusively His lovingness; and in this we may be right. And by Love, in this context, most of us mean kindness - the desire to see others than the self happy; not happy in this way or in that, but just happy. What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, "What does it matter so long as they are contented?" We want, in fact, not so much a Father in Heaven as a grandfather in heaven - a senile benevolence who, as they say, 'liked to see young people enjoying themselves' and whose plan for the universe was simply that it might be truly said at the end of each day, 'a good time was had by all!' Not many people, I admit, would formulate a theology in precisely those terms: but a conception not very different lurks at the back of many minds. I do not claim to be an exception: I should very much like to love in a universe which was governed on such lines. But since it is abundantly clear that I don't, and since I have reason to believe, nevertheless, that God is Love, I conclude that my conception of love needs correction.
C.S. Lewis ~ The Business of Heaven, January 10

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday President Monson

Our beloved Prophet, Thomas S. Monson is 82 today! It just so happens that the dedication of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple began today. There will be nine dedicatory sessions. President Monson led the cornerstone ceremony outside the temple's southeast corner, then presided over the first session at 9 a.m. and offered the dedicatory prayer at the end of the session. A total of nine sessions are planned this weekend.

The Oquirrh Mountain Temple becomes the Church's 130th operating temple worldwide, the 13th in Utah and the second in South Jordan. It is the second temple to be dedicated in the Salt Lake Valley in the past five months. President Monson dedicated the Draper Utah Temple in March.

President Thomas S. Monson right, and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, center, watch as Elder Dallin H. Oaks takes his turn applying mortar during the cornerstone ceremony for the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken . . . ; whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same (D&C 1:38).

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet
to guide us in these latter days ...

BYU Education Week ...

"In thy light shall we see light" ~ Psalm 36:9. This scripture was chosen as the theme for the conference to emphasize that it is by the Light of Christ that we see all things clearly. I have been going to Education Week for almost 15 years along with a gazillion other people! It is held on the BYU campus. More than 1,000 classes are offered on hundreds of topics.
Many BYU faculty members teach the classes along with other qualified presenters from many backgrounds. This picture is for Susan ~ one our all time favorite teachers, S. Michael Wilcox!

We were taught by President Boyd K. Packer at a devotional Tuesday morning.
I went with my dear friend, Beckie Rainer to get educated! Beckie is so smart, very intelligent. She loves learning and takes copious notes. If we had gone to school together, I would have for sure asked to borrow her notes! She also retains things very well, something that mostly eludes me. Beckie is also one of the most compassionate friends I have. She gives hours and hours of service every year. She serves at the temple, does lots of family history work and some kind of humanitarian service nearly every week. Beside that she is a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother. And ... she has visited every temple in Canada and the United States except Lubbock, Texas. I think that is soooo cool! You can see I am big fan of Beckie. We enjoyed a wonderful week that included more than just attending the classes. We laughed, talked, went to lunch and shared ideas. One of my favorite classes this year was taught by Robert Millet called "O to Grace How Great a Debtor." Brother Millet told the story of John Newton. He wrote the words to one of the most beloved hymns of all time Amazing Grace, while working as an evangelical pastor. Son of the commander of a merchant ship, Newton was captain of a slave ship for many years, until he underwent a dramatic religious conversion while steering his vessel through a storm.

Repenting and regretting the misery he had inflicted on the thousands of human cargo he had transported across the Middle Passage for many years, he devoted his life to the Church, and wrote the lyrics to many hymns which are still popular today.

In 1780 Newton left Olney to become rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, St. Mary Woolchurch, in London. There he drew large congregations and influenced many, among them William Wilberforce. Newton continued to preach until the last year of life, although he was blind by that time. He died in London December 21, 1807.

I think his story is inspiring and Amazing Grace will always be one of my favorite hymns.

(There is a great movie available on DVD called Amazing Grace that tells this story in depth.)

Newton said the two things he knew for sure were "that he was a great sinner and that Jesus Christ is a great savior."

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Circle of Friends

Several years ago Susan had the idea to give each of us a Circle of Friend's candle holder.

The Indian legend says that at the end of the evening, friends would gather around a bonfire and share their hearts and speak of the good qualities of each other and remember times shared. As the embers faded, their friendship was said to be sealed anew bringing them closer together. As you sit with the candle lit in the middle of your circle of friends, it will surround and embrace all who sit with you and bring good luck to those who stay together.

It is a blessing to be included in this circle of friends with Lorie, Denise, Billie, Becky, Cindy, Susan and Barbara!

This post is for Susan ~ Our little circle of friends is not complete without her. We send our love all the way to Ecuador!

I remember times shared over many years now and am so grateful for my dear friends.

Friends forever!

This birthday lunch was to celebrate my little Italian friend's birthday.
Happy Birthday Billie!

Buon Compleanno a te,
Buon Compleanno a te,

Buon Compleanno cara Billie Jean

Buon Compleanno a te

Monday, August 17, 2009

FHE at Sundance

For family night, Family Home Evening we took a drive up to Sundance, you know Robert Redford's place to see The Fantasticks.

It is quite a hike up to the theatre and we were so lucky to find a seat on the benches!

Sundance Theatre is rustic but very charming.

The Fantasticks is a 1960 musical. It is a clever story concerning two fathers who put up a wall between their houses to ensure that their children fall in love ... well because you know children always do what their parents forbid! The show's original production ran a total of 42 years and 17,162 performances, making it the world's longest-running musical.

The cast members are great singers and actors, especially Henry! And really, who doesn't enjoy a good love story! It was a fantastic night with Mark and Tiff in another beautiful mountain setting. This is my favorite song from the musical ~ it might be familiar if your of a certain age!
Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.

Try to remember when life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That love was an ember about to billow.
Try to remember, and if you remember,
Then follow.

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.

Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow, follow, follow, follow.

Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Although you know the snow will follow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
Without a hurt the heart is hollow.
Deep in December, it's nice to remember,
The fire of September that made us mellow.
Deep in December, our hearts should remember
And follow.

Quote for the week

“Find something you're passionate about
and keep tremendously interested in it.”

“I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.”

~ Julia McWilliams Child (1912 ~ 2004)

Julie and Julia is a charming movie out now about the famous chef, Julia Child. I loved it and laugh out loud many times. Meryl Streep was such a good choice to play Julia Child. I say go see it! Perhaps I will dust off my copy of Julia Child's, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

Bon appetit!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Three of my favorite words ...

that's my son!

Mark's first steps ~ 1983

Pre-school ~ 1989

The real Karate Kid ~ 1988

My big helper ~ 1989

Kronborg Castle, Denmark ~ 2004

August 2004

It was five years ago today that we went to Denmark to pick up Mark from his mission in Denmark. We had a lovely dinner with some of the church members.

It was 26 years ago today I held you for the first time ~ I knew that very moment you would become an exceptional man. I cannot believe how time flies. I remember your first day of Kindergarten like it was yesterday. You are amazing and I am very proud of you. I wish you the very best birthday. I love you
and am so glad I got you!!

Tillykke med fodselsdagen!

Jeg elsker dig!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mark Joseph!!!

Ready for our Sunday celebration for Mark's 26th birthday. On the menu, as requested by Mark ~ steak, Julia Child's shrimp, asparagus, my homemade rolls, delicious cheesy mashed potato casserole that Tiff made ... and more!!

Chocolate cupcakes with butter-cream frosting!

As you can see Chris' gifts were a big hit with Mark!

I sure hope your wish comes true!

Mark also wanted Creme Brulee so I was happy to obliged. He loves the part where you fire up the torch and melt the sugar to form that crispy top. Yummmmo!

We had a wonderful night celebrating Mark's birthday. We always love having Brad and Cindi join us.

Happy, happy birthday son ~ I hope you have a great year!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Quote for the week

The hills are alive
With the sound of music
With songs they have sung
For a thousand years

The hills fill my heart
With the sound of music
My heart wants to sing ev'ry song it hears

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
That rise from the lake to the trees
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
From a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls
Over stones on its way
To sing through the night
Like a lark who is learning to prey

I go to the hills
When my heart is lonely
I know I will hear
What I've heard before

My heart will be blessed
With the sound of music
And I'll sing once more

~ Oscar Hammerstein II
A new tradition ~ for several years Tim and I have attended the Deer Valley Musical Festival. It is an amazing outdoor experience of world class music. This year was no exception. We enjoyed the Utah Symphony and three incredibly talented vocalists from a group called Bravo Broadway. This years program was a tribute to Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein. You haven't lived until you hear The Sound of Music sung in this beautiful mountain setting. Lisa Vroman, who has portrayed Christine in Phantom longer than any other performer sang this song ~ it gave me chills. The night was filled with more favorite songs from The King and I, Oklahoma, South Pacific and of course The Sound of Music. Such a great night.

We also enjoy people watching, with a quite a diverse group attending the festival. This man had on a hairy hat and we discovered when he took it off, that he had NO hair!!

We also enjoyed a glass of wine and some cheese ~ just kidding, hot chocolate for us! It was about 52 degrees so we put on our coats and actually loved the crisp night air.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

For Billie

She's small and petite but don't let that fool you. Billie is strong in all the right ways. She is a devoted wife and wonderful mother to three beautiful daughters. She adores her grandchildren and supports them in all they do. We have had many wonderful experiences together ~ trips to Nauvoo, California and Jackson, Wyoming. We have way too much fun shopping and having lunch together! I am blessed to have such a dear friend.
Ten reasons why Billie is a good friend:
  1. She keeps confidences
  2. She defends me
  3. She gives good advice
  4. She listens to me
  5. I know she cares about my well-being
  6. She always helps me when I need it and she allows me to help her
  7. Sometimes she tells me when I'm wrong or just plain crazy
  8. She understands my sense of humor
  9. She loves me when I am at the top of my game or when I am in a slump
  10. She is loyal
Happy Birthday my forever friend!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Quote for the week

"The future of this world has long been declared. The final outcome between good and evil is already known. There's absolutely no question as to who wins because the victory has already been posted on the scoreboard. The only really strange thing in all this is that we are still down on the field trying to decide which teams' jersey we want to wear."
~ Jeffrey R. Holland