Tim, Chris, Mark and I were there as the Angel Moroni was lifted to its resting place on the 190-foot spire of the temple in July of 1995, twenty thousand people crowded the streets to gaze at what was taking place. The Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple was dedicated on October 13, 1996 by President Hinckley and it was a privileged to be inside the temple on that day. Prior to the dedication, nearly seven hundred thousand people attended the open house and Tim, Chris and I were volunteers. Mark was 11 and just missed being old enough to help. During the dedicatory prayer, President Hinckley asked the Lord to bless the temple and those who enter it, "May its beauty never be marred by evil hands. May it stand strong against the winds and storms that will beat upon it. May it be a beacon of peace and a refuge to the troubled. May it be a holy sanctuary to those whose burdens are heavy and who seek thy consoling comfort."
and one of the best things you can be. ~ Douglas Pagels
I was asked a few months ago to be the Initiatory Coordinator. Initiatories are one of sacred ordinances performed in the temple. Sister Wright, one of our shift coordinators told me that I needed to choose someone to be my assistant. Immediately I thought of my sweet friend Betsy Maughan. Betsy and I had been serving on the same shift for a few years. Sister Wright said, you pray about it and let me know. I told her that I would pray about it but I was sure I would still have the same answer. She said, who did you think of? I said, Betsy and Sister Wright agreed that she would be a wonderful assistant!
Betsy is just a joy to be around. She is so loving and kind. She is currently serving as a ward Relief Society president and is always a wonderful example to me. She is a lovely person inside and out. We are a team and try keep the initiatory area running smoothly even when 20 sisters are waiting! We try to stay calm and make it a good experience for the patrons who come the temple. We seldom get a chance to sit down so after almost 7 hours our little feet are tired! Betsy and I will serve together for a year. Lucky me!!!
Betsy is just a joy to be around. She is so loving and kind. She is currently serving as a ward Relief Society president and is always a wonderful example to me. She is a lovely person inside and out. We are a team and try keep the initiatory area running smoothly even when 20 sisters are waiting! We try to stay calm and make it a good experience for the patrons who come the temple. We seldom get a chance to sit down so after almost 7 hours our little feet are tired! Betsy and I will serve together for a year. Lucky me!!!