Saturday, January 31, 2009

Two Temples!

Two temples stand in line with each other, as captured through a powerful telephoto lens. The Draper Utah Temple sits high on the mountain bench, with the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple in the foreground! Wow, what a sight! The Draper Temple and soon-to-be complete Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple will be the third and fourth in the valley. We are so blessed!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Relief Society Building

When we build, let us think that we build forever.
Let it not be for present delight nor for present use
alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will
thank us for; and let us think, as we lay stone on
stone, that a time is to come when those stones
will be held sacred because our hands have
touched them, and that men will say, as they look
upon the labor and wrought substance of them,
“See! This our father (and mother) did for us.” __John Ruskin

Almost fifty three years ago, on October 3, 1956, President David O. McKay dedicated the Relief Society Building. In October 1947 Relief Society general president Belle S. Spafford asked all the Relief Society sisters to donate $5 and each stake Relief Society to donate one-half of their funds to the building of this building. It stands today as an example of service and sacrifice.

The Relief Society Building is located in Salt Lake City, and is
in the shadow of the majestic Salt Lake Temple ...

... the Conference Center and Church Office Building.

A few months ago I received an email that volunteers were needed at the Relief Society Building. The requirements were that you are currently a stake Relief Society president and that you would be available to serve twice a month. Since I won't always be a stake Relief Society president, I jumped at the chance. Yes, I am ridin' the wave!!

Here I am at my desk and notice my official name tag!! My assignment is in the Resource Room located on the lower level of the building. It is full of ideas and exhibits for Primary, Young Women's and of course, Relief Society. We have visitors from all over the world

In my capacity as a Church-service volunteer, I represent the Church and the Relief Society general presidency and board. I feel a wonderful spirit of love and cooperation when I am in the building.

This is a beautiful quilt that you just have to see to believe. There are hundreds of leaves that have been cut and ironed on the fabric.

I love this display of the Savior - it is in the Young Women's section.

Another must see is this picture representing the Ten Virgins.

Great- Grandmother Clarissa Williams shown on the timeline!!

I have had the privilege of meeting and talking with the general Relief Society presidency several times as their offices are located on the second floor. They are amazing women who desire to bless women around the world. It is a joy to rub shoulders with them.

If you are ever in the neighborhood, stop in and say Hi!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unexpected Opportunity!!

My counselor, Val Peterson - general Relief Society president,
Julie Beck -
and my other counselor, Valerie Blain.

My presidency and I were invited to a special training session on January 29 at the Relief Society Building. Three new Relief Society board members were recently called to serve. They wanted to "practice" training with a live audience. They train all over the United States. All 6 board members were present as well as Sister Beck and her counselors, Sister Allred and Sister Thompson. It was a wonderful day.

"Yes, March 17, 1842 long will be remembered in the history of the Church - for then came the women and they were organized through inspiration of the Lord given to His chosen Prophet, to save souls and to aid in the building of His kingdom. May we the women of today and tomorrow cherish Relief Society, advance its work, and love one another, is our constant prayer." - Belle S. Spafford

Monday, January 26, 2009

Quote for the week of 1-26-2009

Roman god Janus

The name, given to the month of 'January', is derived from the ancient Roman name Janus' who presided over the gate to the new year. Janus protected the 'Gate of Heaven', and is often symbolized by an image of a face that looks forward and backwards at the same time. He looks back to the last year and forward to the new one. This symbolism can easily be associated with the month known by many as the start of a new year which brings new opportunities. We cast out the old and welcome the new.

"Goals reflect the desires of our hearts
and the vision of what we can accomplish
Goal setting and planning are acts of faith."

Don't give up on those New Year's goals!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gentle Giant

My dear friend Jim Pyper passed away on December 16, 2008. He battled cancer for 20 years but through it all was blessed to continue to serve. With Diane by his side, they served missions in Greece, England, Scotland, Illinois, at the Washington D.C. Temple … and a Church Service Mission. I visited with Jim and Diane often when they lived in our neighborhood. When they decided to serve another mission, I selfishly wished they would stay home. I learned so much from the time I spent with them. I am a better person for knowing Jim and Diane.
“The person we are when we depart this life is the person we will be as we enter the next. Thankfully, we do have today … This life is not so much a time for getting and accumulating as it is a time for giving and becoming.” This quote describes Jim so well ... giving and becoming. He really touched my life. He is gone, but the memory of his loving ways, example, faith, and testimony will remain with me. I will miss him.
Jim and Diane celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary on August 30, 2007
Susan and I had the pleasure of serving
refreshments at a party in their honor!
I made this afghan for Jim and Diane in 2005
and it represents a Scottish tartan.
Diane with her daughter, Tara
The funeral for Jim was a fitting tribute.
The bagpiper was in honor of Jim's Scottish heritage.
Susan and I had a tender visit with Diane
the day after Jim passed away.
I went to Nauvoo, Illinois with friends. It was during the time Pyper's were serving a mission there. This picture was taken at the visitor's center - September 1997.
Jim and Diane gave us a tour of many of the historic building in Nauvoo. The trip was more memorable because of the special attention they gave us. It will always be a cherished memory.
Jim and Diane were in a play that depicted the life of the early pioneers. They gave a terrific performance. We laughed and laughed.
Jim loved electric trains. The last time I visited he was so weak but still got up and ran the trains for me ... one last time.
One of their many missionary plagues!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Quote for the week of 1-19-2009

"Courage is being scared to death
but saddling up anyway."

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.
Comes into us at midnight very clean.
It's perfect when it arrives
and it puts itself in our hands.
It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."

- John Wayne

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Party!!

It wouldn't be a party without Bella and ... (drum roll)
Pamela Irene, grandmother of the year!!

Elijah and Alyssa Belle helping the birthday girl with her cards.
Alyssa said, "You are slow at opening cards!!"

Elijah lost a tooth!!

Happy, happy birthday - I wonder what she wished for!!

Johnnie Belle surrounded by those who love her most!

Amazing at 88 -
Growing old gracefully and still making the most of everyday!

My Rememberer

My forgetter's getting better but my rememberer is broke
To you that may seem funny but, to me, that is no joke
For when I'm "here" I'm wondering i
f I really should be "there"
And, when I try to think it through, I haven't got a prayer!
Often times I walk into a room,
Say "what am I here for?"
I wrack my brain, but all in vain - zero, is my score.
At times I put something away where it is safe, but, Gee
The person it is safest from is, generally, me!
When shopping I may see someone, Say "Hi" and have a chat,
Then, when the person walks away I ask myself, "Who was that?"
Yes, my forgetter's getting better while my rememberer is broke,
And it's driving me plumb crazy and that isn't any joke.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celebrating 88 Years - January 14, 1921!!

Mom, thinking of you always bring a smile ...
and warm memories of the days
that you filled with your laughter,
your warmth, and your love.

Happy 88th Birthday!

To Johnnie Belle

A newly converted member of the church,
And a farm girl that lived on the Wyoming prairie.
You must have thought, "I hope she doesn't leave my son in a lurch,"
Because that's the one he chose to marry."

Mothers always pray their children will choose the right,
Because marriage in the temple is forever.
I could see you taught him with all your might
And that he was handsome, smart and clever.

It's true I had so much to learn.
You showed me with wisdom, patience and love,
How to be a better wife and mother ... now that it was my turn.
And that I must always seek help from above.

You're always on the go
Learning a new computer skill.
So temple endowments for our family won't be slow,
Trying all the commandments to fulfill.

You've been a missionary all your life.
Teaching others is a joy for you.
Showing others that the gospel plan takes away the strife,
And that you know the Book of Mormon is true!

You have traveled the world by day and by night
Blessed with good health and vigor.
Through many hours of flight
And through the years you have kept your girlish figure!

This birthday is a time to let you know
How much you mean to me.
I hope my actions always show
And love and respect is what you see.

Written by Eileen - January 13, 2000

My Brother

I loved to go dancing with my brother ~ we were pretty good!!

Les and Dad
They were volunteers at the Denver Temple Open House.

Relaxing with my brother - 1979

My wedding day with my sister Roseanne and my brother Les.
30, November 1981

Grandpa Federer did not like us to play in the barn - I think he worried we would get hurt but Les and I would sneak over to the barn often.

Family picture - 1969 (Kenny was out of town)

Kenny - Lloyd - Marion - Les - Ernie

Les and Ann's wedding day November 18, 1978. It was a rare occasion that my brother's did not have on cowboy boots and hats. They are so handsome!!

Eileen - Grandma Federer - Les
We loved hanging out with Grandma!!

Les, me, Mark and Ann - December 1986

Les was born January 13, 1959 – he would have been 50 this year. He was my brother and my best friend. We played together all the time. We loved our walks to Grandma Federer’s house, horseback riding, walks across the prairies searching for treasures, (the most valuable things we found were pieces of purple glass), picking wild flowers and playing in the big barn.

We had long talks often. I loved his sense of humor and the bond we shared. We worked at the same western clothing store one summer. We would give each other silent looks when one of us would get a customers from back east!! When we were in high school we loved to go country dancing. Les was always very compassionate.

On November 8, 1988, I received one of those dreaded late night phone calls that he had died. Suddenly and without warning, I lost my best friend. It is always sad when a loved one dies, but having absolutely no time to prepare made this an especially difficult time. I didn't get one last time to say ‘I love you” or a chance to say “good bye.” I was shocked to say the least and didn't sleep the entire night. Make sure you tell those close to you that you love them often.

I had great difficulty understanding the tragic circumstances by which he was taken. But I have peace and an abiding hope that we will have a joyous reunion one day. A loving Heavenly Father has provided a way for families to be together forever.

The Big "5-0" Happy Birthday brother!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Quote for the week of 1-12-2009

"If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon, it's o.k.
But you've got to shoot for something.
A lot of people don't even shoot."
- Robert Townsend

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blessing Dress

More than 75 babies in our family were blessed in this beautiful blessing dress. * I don't have pictures of all of them, but the ones I've found I will post.

Family heirlooms link generations in a deep, personal way. Anyone who has seen a great-grandmother's blessing dress, grandfather's wallet or a photo of a relative gone to war knows how moving these pictures and history can be. These treasured items, passed down from generation to generation, provide insight into the lives of our ancestors and a richer understanding of our family's history.

As a family we are blessed to have such a priceless heirloom that has connected our lives to our honored ancestors.

This post is dedicated with love, to "Aunt" Helen Stoddard Williams.

Anyone who knew Aunt Helen knew what a gentle, sweet person she was. She cared lovingly for the dress for many years so that it might be preserved for generations of babies to come.
A letter Helen wrote reads as follows:

Ida, wife to Alma Joseph Williams, Sr. transferred the christening dress to my care in 1940. I, Helen, wife to A. Joseph Williams, Jr. have loved and cared for the dress since that date. When I can no longer continue as its "guardian," I sincerely hope that Scott's wife, Deanna, will carry on the tradition, and that in the succeeding years, the mother of the first born child in each generation and bearing the Williams name, will continue the custom.
Helen Stoddard Williams - January 21, 1972

The dress is in the care of Deanna Williams and is longer being used because of its fragile condition from so much use. So far as it is known, the dress would be about 128 years old.

According to Helen's records the first baby blessed in the dress was Evan Earl Williams born March 26, 1881. His mother was Annie Ridges (the daughter of Joseph Ridges, who built Tabernacle organ). The last in our family to be blessed in it was Alyssa Belle Parker, Terri and Jay's daughter.

Grandpa ... Arthur Glenn Williams was blessed in the dress. He was born August 23, 1916. All of Glenn and Johnnie Belle's children were blessed in the dress.

* Earl Lee Williams - October 8, 1949

Michael Robert Williams - June 5, 1951

* Timothy Glenn Williams - June 24, 1952

* Jeffrey Holley Williams - November 12, 1956 - April 28, 1993

Mark Lars Williams - February 1, 1958

* Holley Elizabeth Williams Kay - December 15, 1960

Terri Lynn Williams Parker - September 24, 1963