They were volunteers at the Denver Temple Open House.

30, November 1981

Les and Ann's wedding day November 18, 1978. It was a rare occasion that my brother's did not have on cowboy boots and hats. They are so handsome!!

We loved hanging out with Grandma!!

Les was born January 13, 1959 – he would have been 50 this year. He was my brother and my best friend. We played together all the time. We loved our walks to Grandma Federer’s house, horseback riding, walks across the prairies searching for treasures, (the most valuable things we found were pieces of purple glass), picking wild flowers and playing in the big barn.
We had long talks often. I loved his sense of humor and the bond we shared. We worked at the same western clothing store one summer. We would give each other silent looks when one of us would get a customers from back east!! When we were in high school we loved to go country dancing. Les was always very compassionate.
On November 8, 1988, I received one of those dreaded late night phone calls that he had died. Suddenly and without warning, I lost my best friend. It is always sad when a loved one dies, but having absolutely no time to prepare made this an especially difficult time. I didn't get one last time to say ‘I love you” or a chance to say “good bye.” I was shocked to say the least and didn't sleep the entire night. Make sure you tell those close to you that you love them often.
On November 8, 1988, I received one of those dreaded late night phone calls that he had died. Suddenly and without warning, I lost my best friend. It is always sad when a loved one dies, but having absolutely no time to prepare made this an especially difficult time. I didn't get one last time to say ‘I love you” or a chance to say “good bye.” I was shocked to say the least and didn't sleep the entire night. Make sure you tell those close to you that you love them often.
I had great difficulty understanding the tragic circumstances by which he was taken. But I have peace and an abiding hope that we will have a joyous reunion one day. A loving Heavenly Father has provided a way for families to be together forever.
The Big "5-0" … Happy Birthday brother!