My dear friend Jim Pyper passed away on December 16, 2008. He battled cancer for 20 years but through it all was blessed to continue to serve. With Diane by his side, they served missions in Greece, England, Scotland, Illinois, at the Washington D.C. Temple … and a Church Service Mission. I visited with Jim and Diane often when they lived in our neighborhood. When they decided to serve another mission, I selfishly wished they would stay home. I learned so much from the time I spent with them. I am a better person for knowing Jim and Diane.
“The person we are when we depart this life is the person we will be as we enter the next. Thankfully, we do have today … This life is not so much a time for getting and accumulating as it is a time for giving and becoming.”
This quote describes Jim so well ... giving and becoming. He really touched my life. He is gone, but the memory of his loving ways, example, faith, and testimony will remain with me. I will miss him.
Jim and Diane celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 30, 2007
Susan and I had the pleasure of serving refreshments at a party in their honor!
I made this afghan for Jim and Diane in 2005and it represents a Scottish tartan.
Diane with her daughter, Tara The funeral for Jim was a fitting tribute.