Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chris/China Trip

Chris arrived safely in China. Big sigh!!

I accidentally washed his passport awhile back. We were worried because it looks a bit hammered. When we went to the airport to welcome Aaron home from Mexico, Chris asked the TSA agents if it would pass and they said it would be fine. But, when he checked in at the Salt Lake airport last week the TSA agents said they didn't think the China agents would accept his passport! Good grief.

So this is the follow-up:

So I finally touched down in China and the thought on my mind is “They might not accept your passport…” I get in the long line and I’ve had about 3 hours of sleep in 24 hours.

I get to the booth with the security guards and they are all wearing masks because they are afraid of the H1N1 flu. I show them my passport and of course it sets off some red flags. I get passed around to a middle manager then to another guy and to another. So finally after three people look at it they let me in.

Of course he is having a great time. He LOVES the food!

Oct 19 ’09

First meal in GuangZhou China. I just ate a 10/10 (ten out of ten) meal at the Beliago. It's a Taiwanese restaurant. Twice cooked pork, sausage, dumplings, cabbage and rice. Then for desert was shaved ice and mango. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might not come back…

China does not allow any social media. So no Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr, ect… I had to download a VPN proxy so I can post stuff here on a US ip address. It really is China.

Oct 17 ’09

Well I went to the GuangZhou branch today. We had people from Guatemala, Spain, Nigeria, England, Italy, local Chinese, Japan, and Korea… It really is an international branch of the LDS Church. We had about 100 people attend.