with his brother Marion George
Uncle Clarence was born June 22, 1918, about two years after Grandma and Grandpa's first born son, Ernest passed away. Imagine the joy they felt to welcome a healthy baby boy that would go on to live a long life. I am sure that he always held a special place in their hearts. Grandpa chose his name, one that he had always liked.

My Mom Nelle and Helen are sisters. Aunt Helen drove a school bus for many years. She got us safely to school and was so kind. She always gave us treats for special occasions and would sing along with us on our way to town. She came to our home first and we were the last ones dropped off. It took us nearly an hour everyday to get to school. Rain, wind or snow she delivered us to town and back home without ever having an accident.

Uncle Clarence and Aunt Helen lived nearby to where I grew up. They also work very hard on their farm. Uncle Clarence was a carpenter and help build many buildings around Cheyenne. He served for a time in the military. I remember he was very tall and had a dry sense of humor. Aunt Kay called him Fed and he called her Red!
Uncle Clarence passed away on November 18, 1983. Aunt Helen passed away October 13, 2004.