A few weeks ago I was minding my own business while serving during my shift at the Mount Timpanogos Temple. The shift coordinator, Sister Whatcott told me that President Garrett, a counselor in the temple presidency wanted to talk to me. I nervously went to his office. Why do we always assume we have done something wrong?! President Garrett asked me how things were going at home and I said, couldn't be better. He said, good and would you be willing to serve for 18 months as a shift coordinator. Oh boy, I have great respect for our coordinators and know that it's a BIG job. But I know when your helping your happy, so I said yes. He then told me to pray about who I would like for an assistant. I did pray and told them my choice. She had to decline because of a family problem. I understood and started the process again. Soon after I could not get my dear friend Susan's name out of my thoughts. I pushed it aside because she had only been home a few days from her mission to Ecuador. All day long I fought this prompting. I finally gave in and told two of the the temple matrons my decision. They know Susan and were thrilled. When they asked Susan she readily accepted and she was so excited we would be serving together.
A friend of Susan's told her that coming home from her mission was like putting your saddle on a different horse and that she would continue riding at her usual pace. Susan is much like this beautiful Arabian. She loves to serve, always cheerfully and with grace.
I am more like this pony, a little clumsy and continually running faster to keep up with her. I was just so grateful she was willing to take this ride with me. I told Susan I was so happy to serve but apprehensive about all the new things we would need to learn. She reassured me by saying, Eileen this is not our first rodeo! Susan and I are a good team, everyone wants Susan on their team!!
Dora's ~
Marsha Whatcott, Pam Wright, me and Susan Savage
Marsha Whatcott, Pam Wright, me and Susan Savage
Susan told me that the Spanish name for coordinator is coordinadora and I shortened that to Dora! We have had several days of training. We have learned about rainbow pages, lines, Excel, and lots of other details. Marsha and Pam, the former coordinators have been so patient and kind. They have been amazing examples to us!!
Our first official day as Dora's was this past Tuesday, October 13. We had a wonderful day. Susan was able to use her newly acquired second language! I was so focused on the tasks at hand that I forgot to take a lunch break. Certainly I can miss a meal but you need a little something to make it through the day. Susan was kind enough to cut her lunch short so I could grab a quick bite! That's my assistant Dora for you!
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
(Doctrine and Covenants 123:17)
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
(Doctrine and Covenants 123:17)