I'm grateful that Christopher was in town this year and we were all together for Christmas. We had a wonderful morning exchanging presents and having a delicious breakfast.
Grizzly likes Chris!
Grizzly seemed to know the present was for him!
Cash made me the most delicious bagel sandwich.
I enjoyed every bite!

They really do love each other! Colby is about to take the last bite of a cinnamon roll that I made.
The past few days that we were all together filled my heart with so much joy. I love exchanging presents and seeing a lot of grateful smiles. Thanks for all the thoughtful gifts, I love you all!
Speaking of thoughtful gifts, this Joe Rogan kettle ball is going to give me nightmares! And it's so heavy you can barely lift it! I'm sure Christopher has never received such a unique Christmas present, thanks David!

We missed having a white Christmas by one day!
Until next year...