JCW's will always have a special place in my heart. We have had so many great times there. I let the boys take turns choosing where we will eat and it's usually JCW's, and I will never say we can't go there!
Photo bomb by Grahm!
With all sincerity I can say, I feel overwhelming gratitude for my grandsons. I always try to make our time together fun but the truth is whether I have something planned or let things unfold as they may, we always have a good time. We laugh, talk, play games, do crafts, and sometimes we have a sleepover. Grahm would have a sleepover every other day if he could! We don't do anything that fancy but I believe it really is the simple things in life that can bring so much joy. I never dreamed how wonderful being a grandma would be. I told Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm awhile back that more than anything I want to feel how much they are loved and cherished. Cash had tears in his eyes while I shared that with them.
Colby and Grey were building 3D puzzles. They were challenging but they didn't give up. Colby was almost finished with his when he discovered something he did wrong. He took the puzzle apart and built it correctly.

The Frog Prince! I told Colby and Grey that the Frog Prince is a German fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. The Frog Prince is translated the Iron Henry from German. Grey liked that!
The boys had fun making glasses out of Wikki sticks!
We also made leather keychains. Colby and Grey did a great job tooling them. Colby helped Graham make one too.
Grahm won the foosball match and congratulated Grandpa with a handshake!
Grahm found another gem at the dollar store and the green alien showed up all over the house.

Grey helped me make baked donuts for breakfast.
Contest to see who can sit on the sprinkler the longest.

Because one time wasn't enough!
Colby mastered the hula hoop with two hoops!
I really love them so much!
Overwhelming gratitude...
Hurry back!
(Cash was at FSY)