Grahm saw my popsicle molds the other day and wanted to have some homemade popsicles. It's been heating up here, so I got busy and made a few. I made pineapple-coconut and watermelon-mint flavors. The pineapple-coconut popsicles were the fav. When Grahm saw the popsicles he said very enthusiastically, "Thank you Grandma!"

Grandpa took a few pictures of Cash playing soccer this week. He went with Tiffani while I helped get the others boys to their activities. He really enjoyed watching Cash and having Tiffani chauffer him around!
Grey and Grahm had their last swim lesson on Friday. They both passed all their skills! Grahm was the fastest swimmer in his group, he was excited about that! Grey really has a can-do attitude and gives his all. He is quite the athlete. Grahm is so fun to watch. He is always so excited to try new things. He smiles a lot and is pure joy. You can tell his instructor is charmed by him! The last day of swim lessons they get to go down the big slides. Grey and Grahm loved doing that!

Colby loves playing with Grizzly.

I sure was happy that Cash came for Grandma Day on Friday. We had lots of fun. We stayed in the basement where it was nice and cool.

Grey had a busy week, he enjoyed relaxing, and playing.

Colby saw me making a blanket using my fingers. It's a fun way to crochet without using a hook. He wanted to try so I got him some yarn. He caught on really fast and it's been fun helping him make the blanket. It's almost finished. Now Grey wants to try so I'll get him started soon!
Colby chose the yarn, its called limeade. It's bright and cheerful just like he is!
We have been with the grands a lot more than usual and I'm so grateful! I was a little sad today, I can't help but miss them.
Chris took a two hour boat to Zanzibar. He always captures the most beautiful sunsets by the ocean.
Summer is not over yet, more adventures to come!