Saturday, July 1, 2023

Love these humans...

Sometimes I really can't believe how blessed I am to be grandma to Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm. I love them with all my heart. 

June was a month of more time with the boys, and some simple but fun adventures. 

Last week Tiffani and Cash went to St. George to an event sponsored by Glenn Beck. The traveling museum features an amazing collection of American historical artifacts worth over $75 million, with a focus on American history from Christopher Columbus to the Space Race. 

I enjoyed taking the boys to their last golf lesson, and volleyball camp for three days so Mark could get some work done. I really was so proud of Colby and Grey. Volleyball was intense, lots of running and fun games. They really gave it their all and learned a lot. The net is so tall but Grey was determined, and got that ball over lots of times! Colby stayed by Grey and they helped each other. It was sweet to watch. After camp on Thursday, Colby and Grey were tired and their legs hurt a little. 

Go Gus!

The Pleasant Grove Rec Center is very nice. Colby and Grey tried some of the equipment. Grahm and I took a few laps around the track! I can't keep up with him.

Good job Colbs and Grey!

G is for Grahm!

We stopped by to say Hi to Chris. He will be leaving again soon for several months. 

We made some patriotic stars. Colby helped us figure out how to glue the sticks together! They turned out so good.

Reading books before bedtime is my favorite. Sometimes Grandpa makes up stories to tell the boys!

We walked around the Alpine Arts Center. I didn't script any of the pictures with Grahm. He wanted to hug all the animals. He's the cutest! 

Grahm said, "There's Jesus" but it was Christina!

We also tried Snoasis in Alpine, it suppose to have the best snow cones. Grey's combination was so delicious, wedding cake, caramel, and blueberry.

If it's Grahm's turn to choose where we have lunch, he always says Costa Vida. He likes Horchata, sometimes he calls it enchilada! 

Incredibly handsome and sweet boys, I do love these humans.
I miss them already, hurry back boys!