When Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm first arrived I shared a portion of President Nelson's Easter message with them. It was all about forgiveness. I asked them what Jesus said to his accusers. Colby replied, "Father forgive them." President Nelson is a great story teller and I was moved by a personal experience he shared. We watch part of his message together. Here's a text excerpt:
"I know from firsthand experience that forgiveness blesses both the forgiver and the forgiven.
Three children born to Ruth and Jimmy Hatfield suffered from congenital heart disease.
They sought my help as a heart surgeon for their two daughters, Laural Ann and Gay Lynn.
I was heartbroken when both girls died after I had operated on them.
Understandably, Ruth and Jimmy were shattered.
And they blamed me.
For almost six decades, I was haunted by this situation.
I grieved for the Hatfields and tried to establish contact with them several times, but without success.
A few years ago, I reached out again to the Hatfield family.
Much to my relief, this time, they were willing to meet with me.
On bended knee, I poured out my heart to them. The Spirit of the Lord prevailed.
They forgave me.
And it proved to be a turning point in their lives and in mine.
Now I treasure the friendship I share with the Hatfields.
Just think about their courage and humility!
They were willing to let go of old hurts.
The Spirit of forgiveness released them from burdens they had carried for nearly 60 years.
There is nothing easy about forgiving those who have disappointed us,
hurt us,
cheated us,
or spread false rumors about us.
not forgiving others is poison for us.
Grudges weigh us down.
Angry disagreements separate us.
Animosity and hatred can divide families.
And yet, the Savior’s counsel is clear:
Forgiving others does not mean condoning sinful or criminal behavior. And it certainly does not mean staying in abusive situations.
But, when we choose to forgive others,
we allow the Lord to remove the poison from our souls.
We permit him to soothe and soften our hearts,
so we can see others, especially those who have wronged us, as children of God, and as our brothers and sisters.
Every Easter, we rejoice in the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
He is the epitome of forgiveness.
My dear friends, I invite you prayerfully to consider
if there is someone whom you should forgive.
Will you free yourself from a grudge you may be harboring?
I can think of no more fitting way to honor the Lord Jesus Christ this Easter."
The boys and I talked about what it would be like for President Nelson to carry the burden of wanting the Hadfield's to forgive him for almost sixty years. We talked about the gift of the Savior's atonement and how important it is to forgive, and ask for forgiveness. With tears in my eyes I asked them to forgive me if I have ever hurt their feelings or anything like that. I hope they always know the Savoir loves them and that He is indeed the risen Lord. I also hope the boys always know that because of Him, they can experience the joy and miracle of forgiveness.
I love Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm so much.
Colby and Graham helped me make resurrection rolls. They coated marshmallows with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. Then they rolled the marshmallows up in a crescent roll. When they bake, the marshmallow melts away representing the empty tomb where Jesus lay. I've never had them before and they were yummy.
We also had Italian Wedding Soup then Cash and Colby hid some eggs for Grey and Grahm. Grandpa, Grey, and Grahm hid eggs for Cash and Colby. It took awhile but Cash and Colbs finally found the eggs Grandpa hid! There was still snow on the grass so that's why were inside.

Grahm was so happy he found the golden egg!
And last but not least a Peep carrot cake for my favorite peeps!
Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm made
some cool paper mache eggs at home!
Chris enjoyed a beautiful Provo Canyon walk! We have all enjoyed having more sunshine and warm weather.
Happy Spring! Happy Easter!