Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Let Your Light Shine...

 Let Your Light Shine

Dedicated to Grandma Federer

For as far back as I can remember I have been afraid of the dark
There were no streetlights on the ranch and that made everything stark

I was always grateful when the night sky was filled with stars shining bright
They would illuminate my bedroom and fill every corner with welcome light

“Shut the door and turn off some of the lights,” my Dad would often say
He was just trying to save a few pennies, so we tried to obey

Every Sunday, (except if there was a blizzard), my family jumped in the car
We picked up Grandma and drove to town, it was not that far

I looked forward to going to church and was taught a better way
I loved to sing the hymns and still remember many of them today

My cousin Jim lead the music in Sunday School for many years
We sang “This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine” and that calmed my fears

The Savior said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works”
I try to follow His example, finding ways to shine each day and not shirk

My light doesn’t always shine brightly, some days I borrow light from those around me
Lifting, loving, serving, forgiving, sharing, mourning, and rejoicing with others is the key.

I’m grateful for the lights I have in my life and for the example of goodness they share
For Tim, Chris, Mark, Tiffani, Cash, Colby, Grey, Grahm, and Jack… nothing can compare

Today we need His light – the Light of Christ – more than ever
When we reflect His light we can make the world better, that’s a worthwhile endeavor

Many of the most enduring Christmas traditions include lights of all kinds –
Lights on the tree, lights on our homes, and candles on the tables that shine

The beautiful lights of the holiday season remind us of Him who is the source of all light
We wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas and a new year that’s bright

With love,
Tim and Eileen
December 2022

This lights of our lives... Cash Colby, Grey, and Grahm.

This years Christmas poem was inspired by President Nelson's Christmas message.

“Every year, regardless of our current circumstances, we can find renewed hope and joy as we remember the blessing that came into the world that first Christmas night.

“More than 2,000 years ago, the Savior of all humankind humbly came to earth as a precious baby.

“I marvel at the increased goodwill and human kindness that always emerge during this sacred season. As we commemorate the birth of Him who is the light of the world, new light is kindled in each of us. Today, we need His light – the light of Jesus Christ – more than ever. We need men and women who reflect His light by being peacemakers – willing to reason with others rather than to contend with them.

“I rejoice when I see young men and women willing to befriend those who feel excluded. Friends reflect His light when they mourn with those who mourn, and bring relief to those who are suffering. We need more wise men and women who seek the Lord, who serve the Lord, who reflect His light.

“As we follow Jesus Christ, we can make this a better world.

“So, this Christmas season, will you let your light shine? Amid all the hustle and bustle of gifts and gatherings, will you let your life reflect the light and love of Jesus Christ? With the dawning of each day, could you identify someone who needs your light? Reach out to that person by phone, video chat, or send a text or a note. Perform a quiet act of service to help someone nearby. Bring a new friend into your circle. Help someone turn to the Savior and find enduring peace and divine rest.

“There is no better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ than by lifting, loving, and serving others. The world needs the light of Jesus Christ. And the world needs your light.

“God be thanked for loving us enough to send His only begotten son. Jesus Christ changed the world for each of us with His atoning sacrifice. He is the light of the world. He is the light we need to hold up. He is the light that fills us with goodwill toward all people.

“I love the Lord Jesus Christ and testify that He lives. As we celebrate His birth in Bethlehem, let us emulate His life of loving kindness. May you and your loved ones be filled with His light and joy, now and always.

“I express my gratitude for you and offer my best wishes for you to have a very merry Christmas.”

President Nelson
December 2022