Friday, January 14, 2022

The entire universe...

We didn't have our regular Grandma Day with Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm last week because they were sick. They might be going to St. George for a few days so we wanted to see them before they go. I went to get the boys after work and on the way home Grahm was upset over some minor thing, like Colby touched his arm. Grahm said and I quote, "The entire universe is mean to me." It probably seems that way sometimes.

Later Grahm was helping mix up some waffles and I told him the batter looked perfect. He turned to me and said, "You are the perfect grandma." I gave him a big hug. 

He also reminded me that we shouldn't have any Red 40 dye so we threw away all the gum that has Red 40. I will find some gum without it! Grahm is so smart and we have lots of fun.

While we were eating dinner I noticed Colby was very quiet. I asked him if he was okay and he started to cry. He told me Tiffani had to go get her contacts in the morning and they would be alone for less than an hour. Even though they are perfectly safe and Cash would be in charge, Colby does not like the idea of being alone. I know he will outgrow this soon, I had those same fears as a child, and I was afraid of the dark. I promised him I would ask Tiff if I could come be with them until she got back, she liked that idea. I rang the doorbell and said, "It's Grandma." Colby opened the door and had the sweetest smile on his face. I hugged him and quietly said, "I told you I would come." I hope he will remember that I would do anything to calm his fears and I will always keep my promises.

Grey made himself some toast while I was there, they are becoming self-sufficient, and getting so big. They also have a job chart and help keep the house clean. I'm proud of them.  

I'm so grateful for our grandsons!