Saturday, July 17, 2021

Highlights from last week...

Our handsome chipmunk Colbs, I love his happy face.

After piano lessons, Colby and Grey picked all the ripe cucumbers.

We were grateful for a few raindrops!

My favorite river walk with Chris, it's so peaceful.

Chris took to me Asado, an Argentinian grill and cafĂ© in Orem. It was some of the most savory food I've ever had. Their empanadas are delicious. 

And as always, I'm grateful when Friday finally comes, so we can be with Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm for a few extra hours.

Always cool Colbs! 

Grahm helping Grandpa lift a heavy weight. 

Our engineer Cash, he's always builds the best car tracts!

Grey and Grahm still play with the toddler toys once in awhile. It makes me smile, I won't ever be able to give them away! 

Our music loving Colby. He brought out the bells and played several songs by ear. He can memorize songs like nobody's business.

A few Minute to Win It games!

A nice stroll with Chris, Mark, and Adrian to visit Cookie and his friend, we can never remember his name!

It's been awhile since we had tubby time. This will always be one of my favorite memories, along with reading books with Grey and Grahm. They are growing up too fast.

I love these blue-eyed blond boys.

And my hydrangeas are blooming!