Sunday, May 24, 2020

Empty halls...

For the past two weeks I have been helping with student check out. It made me sad to see the halls empty. It was eerily quiet. I hope and pray we can have the school open in August. I'm sure there will be some modification to help everyone stay safe. There have been many ideas tossed around, such as one-way hallways, students and teachers wearing masks, and lunch inside classrooms instead of cafeterias. Students may have their temperatures read before entering the building. There is also the possibly of bringing half the students to school on certain days, with the rest learning from home. I think the students need some kind of normalcy and so we wait.

The bleachers were full with about 1,000 sacks with the contents of the students lockers. By the time I left on Friday, we only had about 25 bags. 

COVID-19 2020...