Saturday, August 17, 2019

Back to school fun...

Friday I had lunch with Cash, Colby, and Grey at the Cedar Hills Park one more time before school starts on Monday. It was such a pretty day. We had a gourmet lunch from McDonald's. I walked in the stream with the boys, the cool water felt good. They climbed trees, looked for treasures, played at the playground, ran through the sprinklers, and Cash found an ant colony in a rock. He observed the ants for awhile, he likes stuff like that! 

French fry flip flops, Colby's idea!

 "Did you get the X Grandma?"

I will always remember how much Grey likes to hold the small treasures he finds. He found a skipping rock and a lucky penny.

Colby and I made zucchini muffins from a huge zucchini he found in their garden. We may have lost track of how much flour we added but they tasted pretty good. I love cooking with Colby, he's such a good helper.

Grahm showed up after his nap, and we played a few games. Chris made a yummy dinner and we talked for while. Out of the blue, Cash asked Chris how his business was doing. Cash was genuinely interested and they had a pretty grown up talk. Then we went to the park across the street. Grandpa, Chris, and the boys launched rockets and played Frisbee.

I forgot to give Grahm these bug glasses for his birthday, it turns out that Colby really liked them!

I'm not the only one who is going to miss Chris.
 Lovely evening...

Thanks to Chris and Mark for helping move the washer and dryer. 
I love my family.