Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Monday, July 29, 2019
Spiritual Muscles...
Wonderful talk that includes some inspiring personal experiences.
"Just as reading and learning about muscles is not enough to build muscle, reading and learning about faith without adding actions is insufficient to build faith."
"Let's accept the invitation of President Russell M. Nelson and intently come unto the Savior by identifying those muscles that need more spiritual activity and starting to exercise them."
"If we want to increase our faith, then let's do things that require faith."
Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles
Elder Juan Pablo Vilar
April | 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
So loved...
Grahm... this darling little boy is really so loved. Tim and I tear up sometimes when we think about all the joy he has brought us the last two years. He loves music, chocolate, water balloons, goldfish crackers, he says please and thank you, I'm sorry, and if you sneeze he says, bless you. It's always fun to spend time with him.
This is the first time we tried painting and Grahm really liked it. He painted a few masterpieces!
This is the first time we tried painting and Grahm really liked it. He painted a few masterpieces!
We love you Grahm!
Friday, July 26, 2019
Cleansed by Repentance...
Cleansed by Repentance"Our loving Savior opens His arms to receive all men and women on the loving conditions He has prescribed, to enjoy the greatest blessings God has for His children."
President Dallin H. Oaks
April | 2019
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 22, 2019
Time is running out...
Wonderful message...
My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our Heavenly Parents and be with those we love. He invites us to “come, follow me.”
Now, as President of His Church, I plead with you who have distanced yourselves from the Church and with you who have not yet really sought to know that the Savior’s Church has been restored. Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out.
Come, Follow Me
President Russell M. Nelson
April | 2019
My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our Heavenly Parents and be with those we love. He invites us to “come, follow me.”
Now, as President of His Church, I plead with you who have distanced yourselves from the Church and with you who have not yet really sought to know that the Savior’s Church has been restored. Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out.
Come, Follow Me
President Russell M. Nelson
April | 2019
Friday, July 19, 2019
Don't go down that road...
I like this talk...
One reason it is so essential to understand the Savior’s Atonement and its infinite implications is that with increased understanding comes an increased desire to forgive ourselves and others.
Even though we may believe in Christ’s cleansing powers, the question often arises: “How do I know if I have been forgiven of my sins?” If we feel the Spirit, then that is our witness that we have been forgiven, or that the cleansing process is taking place. President Henry B. Eyring taught, “If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost … , you may take it as evidence that the Atonement is working in your life.”
Some have asked, “But if I am forgiven, why do I still feel guilt?” Perhaps in God’s mercy the memory of that guilt is a warning, a spiritual “stop sign” of sorts that, at least for a time, cries out when additional temptations confront us: “Don’t go down that road. You know the pain it can bring.” In this sense, it serves as a protection, not a punishment.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Tad R. Callister
April | 2019
One reason it is so essential to understand the Savior’s Atonement and its infinite implications is that with increased understanding comes an increased desire to forgive ourselves and others.
Even though we may believe in Christ’s cleansing powers, the question often arises: “How do I know if I have been forgiven of my sins?” If we feel the Spirit, then that is our witness that we have been forgiven, or that the cleansing process is taking place. President Henry B. Eyring taught, “If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost … , you may take it as evidence that the Atonement is working in your life.”
Some have asked, “But if I am forgiven, why do I still feel guilt?” Perhaps in God’s mercy the memory of that guilt is a warning, a spiritual “stop sign” of sorts that, at least for a time, cries out when additional temptations confront us: “Don’t go down that road. You know the pain it can bring.” In this sense, it serves as a protection, not a punishment.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Tad R. Callister
April | 2019
Almost two...
Our little Grahm will be two years old in a few weeks. Tim and I have really enjoy this sweet little boy. He talks in full sentences and is so smart and fun! He came to play the other day, so the big boys could have a date with Mom and Dad. We really love the one on one time with him, it just goes by way too fast. Love you Grahmy Bear!
Thursday, July 18, 2019
ThrowBack Thursday - Five years...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Good deeds...
I want to do good, I think we all do. It really doesn't matter how big or small, good deeds carry double duty - we make a positive impact, and we can feel great at the same time. I try every week to find a way to do a good deed.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who lives across the road from us. Lygia was planning a celebration for her parents who also live across the road. They are both turning 90 years old this year. Fay turned 90 on July 5 and her husband Dennie will be 90 on October 18. I offered to help deliver the invitations to the people in our neighborhood. I also told Lygia I would bring a treat to the party, I was glad she said yes.
At the party on Saturday another neighbor who is 92, showed up in a bird costume. For almost 30 years, she and her friend had a business where they dressed up and entertained at birthday parties. Jane, the Birthday Bird greeted Fay and Dennie, and said lots of funny and sweet things. Then she had us all sing Happy Birthday. It was almost 90 degrees so you can imagine how hot it was in that costume. I was grateful Jane didn't pass out! She said her clothes underneath the costume were soaked. Jane is a gem, and I know her good deed meant so much to Fay and Dennie.
Every day of the week except Monday, Fay is out doing good. (Monday is laundry day).
Chris made a delicious dinner yesterday, one of his favorite ways to do a good deed! Mike and Lee came over. I know it lifted Mike spirits to be with us, he has been so worried about his granddaughter Billie.
A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who lives across the road from us. Lygia was planning a celebration for her parents who also live across the road. They are both turning 90 years old this year. Fay turned 90 on July 5 and her husband Dennie will be 90 on October 18. I offered to help deliver the invitations to the people in our neighborhood. I also told Lygia I would bring a treat to the party, I was glad she said yes.
At the party on Saturday another neighbor who is 92, showed up in a bird costume. For almost 30 years, she and her friend had a business where they dressed up and entertained at birthday parties. Jane, the Birthday Bird greeted Fay and Dennie, and said lots of funny and sweet things. Then she had us all sing Happy Birthday. It was almost 90 degrees so you can imagine how hot it was in that costume. I was grateful Jane didn't pass out! She said her clothes underneath the costume were soaked. Jane is a gem, and I know her good deed meant so much to Fay and Dennie.
Every day of the week except Monday, Fay is out doing good. (Monday is laundry day).
Chris made a delicious dinner yesterday, one of his favorite ways to do a good deed! Mike and Lee came over. I know it lifted Mike spirits to be with us, he has been so worried about his granddaughter Billie.
Lee is all about good deeds, he brought me flowers on Sunday.
Grahm did a good deed and helped Grandpa water the dry spot on our grass!
Just be a good personLove who you canHelp where you canGive what you canHave I done any good in the world today?
Monday, July 15, 2019
Now is the time...
Now is the time to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord. When He comes, oppression and injustice will cease. Poverty and suffering will vanish. Even the pain and sorrow of death will be done away.
"We can prepare ourselves as a people; we can gather the Lord’s covenant people; and we can help redeem the promise of salvation made to the fathers, our ancestors. All of this must occur in some substantial measure before the Lord comes again."
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
April | 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019
Home: A refuge... A Sanctuary of Faith...
"Perfecting ourselves, qualifying ourselves for the blessings of covenants and preparing to meet God are individual responsibilities. We need to be self-reliant and anxiously engaged in making our homes a refuge from the storms that surround us and a sanctuary of faith."
“I promise that as we focus on our love for the Savior and His Atonement, make Him the centerpiece of our efforts to gather Israel on both sides of the veil, minister to others and individually prepare to meet God, the influence of the adversary will be diminished; and the joy, delight, and peace of the gospel will magnify our homes with Christlike love.”
Great Love for Our Father's Children
Elder Quentin L. Cook
April | 2019
“I promise that as we focus on our love for the Savior and His Atonement, make Him the centerpiece of our efforts to gather Israel on both sides of the veil, minister to others and individually prepare to meet God, the influence of the adversary will be diminished; and the joy, delight, and peace of the gospel will magnify our homes with Christlike love.”
Great Love for Our Father's Children
Elder Quentin L. Cook
April | 2019
Story of love...
It has been said that the story of temple work is a story of love—the love of God for man, and of men for God, and for each other.
Let us not allow the wealth, the honors of men, or the vain things of the world to keep us from being worthy of this sacred privilege that can be ours. We are indeed blessed to have come to earth at this time, when these beautiful saving ordinances have been restored to the earth, and to have the privilege of participating in them.
Elder Franklin D. Richard
October | 1986
I don't have all the answers, or a perfect knowledge, and sometimes I lack sufficient faith. However because I love my brother, I went to the temple on Wednesday to start the process for his temple work to be completed. I watched as a young man, acting as proxy was baptized for my brother Kenny. I could see my brother's image, not as a very sick person, but well and whole. I believe that this life cannot be the end, and we can always have the hope and joy that comes from knowing we can be together forever. Tim will complete Kenny's temple ordinances in the coming days.
Elder Franklin D. Richard
October | 1986
What a beautiful day.
I don't have all the answers, or a perfect knowledge, and sometimes I lack sufficient faith. However because I love my brother, I went to the temple on Wednesday to start the process for his temple work to be completed. I watched as a young man, acting as proxy was baptized for my brother Kenny. I could see my brother's image, not as a very sick person, but well and whole. I believe that this life cannot be the end, and we can always have the hope and joy that comes from knowing we can be together forever. Tim will complete Kenny's temple ordinances in the coming days.
I love you my brother.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
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