Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Good deeds...

I want to do good, I think we all do. It really doesn't matter how big or small, good deeds carry double duty - we make a positive impact, and we can feel great at the same time. I try every week to find a way to do a good deed.

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend who lives across the road from us. Lygia was planning a celebration for her parents who also live across the road. They are both turning 90 years old this year. Fay turned 90 on July 5 and her husband Dennie will be 90 on October 18. I offered to help deliver the invitations to the people in our neighborhood. I also told Lygia I would bring a treat to the party, I was glad she said yes.

At the party on Saturday another neighbor who is 92, showed up in a bird costume. For almost 30 years, she and her friend had a business where they dressed up and entertained at birthday parties. Jane, the Birthday Bird greeted Fay and Dennie, and said lots of funny and sweet things. Then she had us all sing Happy Birthday. It was almost 90 degrees so you can imagine how hot it was in that costume. I was grateful Jane didn't pass out! She said her clothes underneath the costume were soaked. Jane is a gem, and I know her good deed meant so much to Fay and Dennie.

Every day of the week except Monday, Fay is out doing good. (Monday is laundry day).

Chris made a delicious dinner yesterday, one of his favorite ways to do a good deed! Mike and Lee came over. I know it lifted Mike spirits to be with us, he has been so worried about his granddaughter Billie. 

Lee is all about good deeds, he brought me flowers on Sunday.

Grahm did a good deed and helped Grandpa water the dry spot on our grass! 

Just be a good person
Love who you can
Help where you can
Give what you can

Have I done any good in the world today?