Presents and true gifts…
When I was a young girl, my family by some standards was poor
Even though Dad and Mom worked hard everyday we couldn’t buy much at the store.
We all enjoyed giving and receiving presents during Christmastime
But with seven children we had to make due with a few dimes.
There were times it looked like we may not have any Christmas at all some years
But being thankful for what we had been blessed with dispelled any fears.
We learned that it’s not just presents that make the holidays grand
There was usually lots of snow so we could go sledding down the hills on our land.
In the corner of the room was a fresh cut tree with ornaments that were handmade
We gathered around the fireplace that Dad built and watched the sunlight fade.
Grandma and Grandpa’s ranch was nearby and we got together for a glorious feast
But before we ate someone always offered a prayer to give thanks for the strawberry rhubarb pie and of course the roast beast!
We had much to be grateful for besides the food on the table, it’s true
There were the things money cannot buy like good health, enough moisture, abundant harvests, and more than we were ever due.
remember the feeling of boundless love. I knew my parents and
grandparents loved me. I always knew that God loved me. We all loved
each other… most of the time!
Those days so long ago are filled with countless memories that are still sublime.
Fast forward to the life I have now and all the dreams that have come my way
I’m so thankful for my family…. my husband, sons, my daughter, and grandchildren, we are blessed each and everyday.
we always remember the most precious gift of all, Jesus Christ, our
Redeemer, the promised Messiah, the Good Shepherd, and much, much more.
We wish you and your families every happiness this holiday season and may the new year bring blessing galore!
With love,
Tim and Eileen Williams
Christmas 2018
“Christmas is a time of reflection on what we can become because of God’s sacred gift.
As we discover the gift, we learn of the immeasurable love of God and our absolute need for a Savior. As we embrace the gift, we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ
and desire to become more like Him. As we share the gift,
As we discover the gift, we learn of the immeasurable love of God and our absolute need for a Savior. As we embrace the gift, we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ
and desire to become more like Him. As we share the gift,
we follow the Master’s footsteps, who invited all to hear His message.”
–Russell M. Nelson, He Is the Gift,
Ensign, December 2014