Halloween Bingo, I tried not to eat all the candy corns!
Pencil painting was fun, the boys liked the glow in the dark paint.
The bat cave!
The first part of the obstacle course was a bubble wrap walk. I told the boys to try not to pop any of the bubbles. We counted how many they popped. Grey had an advantage because he's the smallest. They all tried different techniques, it was fun to watch.
Whacking the bats was their favorite part of the obstacle course!
No more bats in the basement!
Time for dinner!
They are getting good at making pizzas!
Cash is so precise and the pizza bites were better than ever.

We also made Mr. Bubbles slime. Cash, Colby, and Grey played with it for quite awhile.
Time for dinner!
They are getting good at making pizzas!
Cash is so precise and the pizza bites were better than ever.
Colby still likes to sleep on Christopher's bed, that's what he calls the blow up mattress! Clean as a whistle and ready for bed. I love it when the boys sleepover.
I have always wanted to make donuts with the boys. I couldn't find my donut cutter so we improvised. Grandpa cooked them out on the grill in a cast iron skillet. They are a once a year special treat. I love Colby's bedhead!

We also made Mr. Bubbles slime. Cash, Colby, and Grey played with it for quite awhile.
I was sad that the Boo Bash had come to an end, it was over too fast. Cash, Colby, and Grey are such good boys. They always say thank you and are so helpful. Being a grandma is a dream come true and I couldn't love them more.