I have had many memorable and defining life moments, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. Becoming a grandmother was definitely one of those defining moments.
To say I was excited when I heard I would become your grandmother is an understatement. When you were born I wanted to shout about it to the world! I was thrilled beyond words. When we welcomed you to the family, my heart swelled with love. I thought about all the adventures we would have together.
It has been such an incredible privilege and pleasure to watch you grow the last eight years. I have seen you develop your own unique personality. You are a very kind and polite boy. You say “thank you Grandma” even for the smallest things I do for you. You are good big brother, and so helpful. You are clever, smart, and not afraid to try new things.
I want you to know you can always count on me, I will always be here for you.
I hope you find joy in life and have lots of fun. Stay on the straight and narrow path, that will bring you the most lasting happiness. Do what you enjoy. Dream big and know you have to work hard to have the things your heart desires. Never betray your dreams for the sake of fitting in. I hope you believe that you are more powerful than the problems you may confront. I hope you will learn quickly from your mistakes. Ignore mean or unkind people, sometimes you will just need to walk away.
Remember to treat others like you would like to be treated. It may be difficult sometimes, but always try to be nice, always be caring. Give people the benefit of the doubt. I learned to do that from my Dad, he always gave others the benefit of the doubt. Don’t hesitate to give others a second chance.
Your parents will also always be there for you. Stay close to them and talk to them if you are worried about something or need advice.
Above all, know that you are loved. Love might be one of the greatest gifts you can ever give or receive. When I say I love you with my whole heart, you can be sure I do!
Happy 8th Birthday Cash!