My Grandma Federer faithfully endured unto the end.
April 2018 | He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved
I liked this talk about enduring to the end. I have many examples in my life of those who have faithfully endured to the end.
To endure means “to remain firm in a commitment to be true to the commandments of God, despite temptation, opposition, and adversity.”
“Success in the Lord’s way has a price, and the only way to achieve it is to pay the price.”
Jesus Christ assured us that 'he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.'"
Just as Christ asked His apostles, “Will ye also go away?” (John 6:66-67), Elder Zivic said he believes Christ asks the same from those who have made covenants with Him.
“Let us be faithful to what we have believed and know.” “If we have not been living according to our knowledge, let us change.”
“I believe that no one will be able to make excuses before our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Relating a story of when he tried kayaking on the ocean in a craft that had cracks that let in water, which made the craft unstable and impossible to control, Elder Zivic expressed concern for how sin seeps into people's lives, weighing them down and, eventually, capsizing them unless they repent.
That is why partaking of the sacrament each week and renewing covenants with God are so important.
He listed a simple formula that can help members resist temptations and endure to the end.
1. Daily, pray and read scriptures.
2. Weekly, partake of the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
3. Pay our tithing and monthly fast offerings.
4. Every two years — every year for youth — renew our temple recommends.
5. Throughout our whole lives, serve in the work of the Lord.
2. Weekly, partake of the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
3. Pay our tithing and monthly fast offerings.
4. Every two years — every year for youth — renew our temple recommends.
5. Throughout our whole lives, serve in the work of the Lord.
Following these five simple and repetitive steps will aid in keeping “our lives free of the cracks that can impede our safe journey through the sea of this life.”
"Life is different for each of us, We all have a time of trials, a time for happiness, a time for making decisions, a time for overcoming obstacles, and a time for taking advantage of opportunities.
"Whatever our personal situations my be, I testify that our Heavenly Father is constantly saying, 'I love you, I sustain you, I am with you. Do not give up. Repent and endure in the path that I have shown you.'”
Elder Claudio D. Zivic
April 2018 | He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved
April 2018 | He That Shall Endure unto the End, the Same Shall Be Saved