Thursday, May 31, 2018

ThrowBack Thursday - Aunt Bernice

Yesterday was Aunt Bernice's birthday. I can't believe how much I miss her. I miss talking to her on the phone. She was such a dear friend. I miss her encouragement and wisdom. She made me laugh. Most of all I miss her understanding. I'm especially thankful for all the times I got to be with her at family gathering in Cheyenne.

I really wanted to go to her 80th birthday party back in 2013. Mark and Tiffani bought my plane ticket, and that was so thoughtful. Unfortunately I never made it, the Oklahoma airport was shut down because of tornadoes in the area. I spent the day in the Denver airport, sad day.

This was from a blog post:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts ~ Tornadoes

Well... last Friday I was bound for Oklahoma so I could attend my aunt's 80th birthday party, when a little thing called a tornado changed my plans.

 Aunt Bernice and Me last summer

The plan was to fly to Denver, have a short layover, and then onto Oklahoma City. My flight from Salt Lake to Denver was delayed for over two hours because of high winds in the area. When I arrived in Denver, the agent said we would board in about 30 minutes. 

I soon found out that there were severe thunderstorms in the Oklahoma City area, so we would have to wait for the weather to clear up. 

About six o'clock we heard a tornado was on the ground. 

The passengers at the airport were evacuated to 
an underground tunnel and the airport was closed.

So many families have damaged homes and suffered tremendous losses from the storms.

After all that happened last Friday, I'm feeling extraordinarily grateful. Even though I was disappointed that I didn't make to Oklahoma, I know I was protected. My brother, his son, and family drove all the way from Cheyenne, and made it safely to Oklahoma, something else to be thankful for. My aunt and her family in Oklahoma were also safe.

I was at the Denver airport for about 8 hours. There was a flight back to Salt Lake City departing at 9:00 with only two seats left. I claimed one of them and was glad to be headed home or so I thought. I didn't actually get on the plane until until about 11:30, ugh! I was so happy to see Tim, it was a loooong day. We pulled in our driveway about 2:00.

I was also sad because Mark and Tiffani gave me the airplane ticket for Mother's Day. I thanked them for the trip to Denver, HAHA! It really was so generous of them and I appreciate their thoughtfulness. Maybe another time...

We had tornado warnings in Cheyenne many times. We saw funnel clouds form a lot but they rarely made it to the ground. Not much you can do about the weather. 

I love you Aunt Bernice, safe a place for me at our Heavenly table... and some strawberry rhubarb pie!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

Decoration Day and tornados...

Grandma Federer always referred to Memorial Day as Decoration Day. That's what is was called back in the day. The holiday was originally set aside to honor men and woman who died while serving in the U.S military in the years following the Civil War. It became an official federal holiday in 1971. It has expanded to a day of remembrance for those who have lost a friend or loved one.

I have been thinking about Grandma a lot this week. It was a Memorial Day tradition to go with her, and put flowers on the graves of anyone, and everyone we ever knew. It really was so important to her. She carefully chose the appropriate flowers for each person on her list. She also liked us to trim the grass around the graves and sweep off the grave markers. As we wandered from grave to grave, paying respects to family and friends, stories were shared and anyone who ever went with Grandma cherished this tradition. Oh, and when Memorial Day was over we had to go back and pick up all the flowers so we could use them again! 

Even though I’m usually not in Cheyenne on Memorial Day, I still put flowers on the graves when I’m home.
Last summer my brother Lloyd and I went to the graves. I love this picture because you can see our shadows. We hadn't trimmed to grass yet!

My Uncle Marion paid the ultimate sacrifice. Grandpa had given him some cows to start his own ranch and he left a girl he planned to marry to serve his country. Uncle Marion was in a tank and he grab hold of a fellow soldiers gun as he was getting out. The gun accidentally discharged and killed him. He was only 24 years old.  

Grandma always got very quiet when we put flowers on Uncle Marion's grave. His death was very difficult for her. 

My brother Marion served in the Army during the Vietnam War. I was always so grateful he made it home safe. 

As we walked around the cemetery where Tim's parents and brother are buried, I felt thankful we can carry on this tradition with our grandsons. We talked about how we will see our loved ones again someday, and we visit the graves to remember them.
 Best helper!

Cash had found a single white flowers and put it on Jeff's grave. I also saw him pick up flowers that had fallen over. He's a thoughtful boy.

 What a beautiful day! 

Meanwhile Chris was spending time with a pretty girl and eating delicious food in the Philippines. We missed you Chris.

Several tornadoes touch down in Cheyenne yesterday. My niece saw one, but thankfully she was safe. There was some damage but no one was hurt.

I think I've posted this before but in 1979 a tornado completely destroyed my Dad's house. Thankfully most people were at work when it happened. I was working at the Highway Department and the tornado passed right in front of our building. It sounded like a hundred airplanes were on the roof. Of course there was also hail and some flash flooding. Les and I drove out to Dad's place, it was strange because so many homes were destroyed and the area looked so different, there were no familiar landmarks. We wondered a few times if we were going in the right direction. We walked the path of the tornado to see if we could find some of Dad's things. Dad did find his scriptures. They were wet but he held onto them. He called them his tornado scriptures.

I will never forget how grateful I was that Dad was not hurt. I need to go to his grave soon.

I'm thankful traditions and for my family.

Conference Notes...The Prophet of God

Elder Neil L. Andersen
April 2018 | The Prophet of God

Another wonderful talk, Elder Anderson shared his testimony as we sustained a new prophet.

In 1982, two years before he was called as a General Authority, then-Brother Russell M. Nelson said, “I never ask myself, ‘When does the prophet speak as a prophet and when does he not?’ My interest has been, ‘How can I be more like him? … My philosophy is to stop putting question marks behind the prophet’s statements and put exclamation points instead.”

“This is how a humble and spiritual man chose to order his life. Now, 36 years later, he is the Lord’s prophet.”

“Our heaven-directed assembly is not in this Conference Center alone, but across the world; in chapels in Asia, Africa, and North America; in homes in Central and South America and Europe; on covered patios in the Pacific and the islands of the sea; this assembly is in whatever part of the world you might be, even if your connection is no more than the audio of your smart phone. Our raised hands were not counted by our bishops, but they were surely noted in heaven, as our covenant is with God, and our action is recorded in the Book of Life."

Recognizing that there is "no campaigning, no debates, no posturing for position, no dissension, no distrust, no confusion or commotion" when a new prophet is called, the selection of a prophet is made by the Lord. President Russell M. Nelson is God’s chosen prophet on the earth today.

“I, too, confirm that the power of heaven was with us in the upper room of the temple as we prayerfully encircled President Nelson and felt the undeniable approval of the Lord upon him.”

Most would acknowledge his wisdom and judgment: nine decades of learning about life and death, living unselfishly, loving and teaching God’s children in every corner of the globe, and maturing with the experiences of having 10 children, 57 grandchildren, and 118 great-grandchildren (this last number changes frequently; a great-grandson was born only this past Wednesday).
President Russell M. Nelson with new great-grandson

Those who know him well would speak of President Nelson facing the difficulties of life with faith and courage. When cancer took the life of his 37-year-old daughter, Emily, leaving a loving husband and five small children, I heard him say, “I was her father, a medical doctor, and an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, but I had to bow my head and acknowledge, ‘Not my will but thine be done.’”

While there are many logical reasons to follow President Nelson — his brilliance, wisdom, good judgment and life experiences — it is his calling from the Lord that designates him as “a watchman on the tower” for the world today.

“A prophet does not stand between you and the Savior. Rather, he stands beside you and points the way to the Savior,” he said. “A prophet’s greatest responsibility and most precious gift to us is his sure witness, his certain knowledge, that Jesus is the Christ.”

For those who are diligently seeking eternal life, the prophet’s voice brings spiritual safety in very turbulent times. “We live on a planet clamoring with a million voices." “The Internet, our smart phones, our bloated boxes of entertainment, all plead for our attention and thrust their influence upon us, hoping we will buy their products and adopt their standards. ...Following the prophet in a world of commotion is like being wrapped in a soothing, warm blanket on a freezing cold day.”

In a world of reason, debate, argument, logic and explanation, "the Lord’s voice often comes without explanation, such as 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' and 'Thou shalt not steal.' The 'whys' are not always apparent. Obtaining spiritual knowledge requires a dimension of understanding beyond the intellect alone — it requires the Holy Ghost."

“The prophet’s voice, while spoken kindly, will often be a voice asking us to change, to repent, and return to the Lord.” “When correction is needed, let’s not delay. And don’t be alarmed when the prophet’s warning voice counters popular opinions of the day.”

At times when a person’s personal views may not initially be in harmony with the teachings of the Lord’s prophet, “these are moments of learning, of humility, when we go to our knees in prayer. We walk forward in faith, trusting in God, knowing that with time we will receive more spiritual clarity from our Heavenly Father."

Elder Andersen said in his personal life he has found "that as I prayerfully study the words of the prophet of God, and carefully, with patience, spiritually align my will with his inspired teachings, my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ always increases. If we choose to set his counsel aside and determine that we know better, our faith suffers and our eternal perspective is clouded.

“I promise you that as you remain resolute in following the prophet, your faith in the Savior will increase.”

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Last day...

Friday was my last day of school, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than going to the park with Tiffani, Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm!

Grahm was smiling at Colby, 
who of course was taking the pictures!

A few Colby selfies, I love that cute face!

Colby rolling down the hill! 
I hope there will be lots more days at the park.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Tiffani and Mark...

Once upon a time, now the parents of four boys!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I wish I could freeze time...

When I'm with Grey sometimes I wish I could freeze time. I really do treasure the precious moments we have together. We had a fun date yesterday. He wanted to go to Provo Beach. He has to stand on his tippy toes to reach some of the games, it's so cute. We went upstairs to bowl and play croquet. I asked one of the staff members for a mallet and ball. He asked me if I had paid, I said no. He looked at Grey and said, never mind just go have fun! Grey is so charming, he get lots of smiles from people who see him.

He says some funny and insightful things. Just out of the blue he said, It's nighttime where Chris is.

He says "Dad says" a lot. He said, Dad said if you climb big mountains you could get hurt. I said ya that could be dangerous. Then Grey said, Colby does dangerous things.

He said, Dad says we can get a snow cone when it's open. 

Then he said, the "G" on the mountain is for Grey and Grahm.

Sometimes he says, I don't like yucky stuff.

He told me a joke, Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants? In case they get a hole in one! Then we laugh. 

When he wants to do something he will say, I kinda want to watch a show or I kinda want to play a game. 

I asked Grey what he wants to be when he grows up... a doctor or fireman, he said I want to be a dad, but I don't want any grils.

I like to hold his hand as we walk around. I love you Grey, don't grow up too fast.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The best feeling...

"The best feeling in the world is knowing that you actually mean something to someone."