Just like puppies Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm are irresistible.
You want to hugged them and play with them.
They love unconditionally, no strings attached.
They are forgiving.
Just seeing them can turn a bad day around.
They like a treat now and then!
And so much more...
I took a couple of my favorite puppies to a playground and the temple on Thursday. I miss having Cash with us, but summer is coming so he will be able to be with us more.
Colby has been wanting to show me a playground he likes for several weeks and we finally got to go. It's a very fun and colorful!
Colby is fearless, it makes me nervous but he always says he will be careful.
Thanks to Colby for taking this picture!
Chickens living right next door.
The boys are always so sweet to let me take pictures, then they will say, can I see it?
We walked around the temple to see the flowers, it was a little early but they were still pretty.
I never tell Colby to hug Grey, he just does it because he's a loving boy.
After I took this picture Grey said, I hugged Colby.
What a beautiful Spring day.
Who needs a puppy when you have four adorable grandsons!