After Kenny's memorial service last September, I went to Jimmy's house. He had gone through Kenny's things and kept what he wanted. He asked me if I wanted some of Kenny's shirts and jeans. I said yes and knew immediately that I would use them to make a memory quilt for Jimmy. Through thick and thin he always honored his Dad.
This is a portion of a letter that I wrote Jimmy in October of 2017:
You have for both your Mom and Dad been a very devoted son. I know there have been some bumps along the way but you have been there for them no matter the circumstances. I admire the patience you had with Kenny. I know there were some frustrating times but you were always there to make sure Kenny had good care. As the years passed by, and you saw his health failing you were there for him. You brought him his favorite food and treats, you took him outside for a breath of fresh air. Sometimes you gave him a ride to family gatherings, and took him to Medicine Bow or Glenrock. You encouraged him to eat better and take his medicine. You told him to lay off the salt!
I still cannot believe you had to say good-bye to both your Mom and Dad in the same year. It’s hard enough to lose one parent. Losing two within two months is incomprehensible. You have been strong for your family. I’m sure there are quiet times when you shed some tears. I know that you will honor them by continuing to work hard and staying close to the ones you love.
I thing I most love and admire about you is that you are a peacemaker. You reached out to your brother Kevin, and having him attend Kenny’s memorial service shows what the power of love can do.
You have been such a support to my brothers and me. It was so comforting to have you be a the hospital and the care center when Mom was so sick. I was also very thankful you were there to help us clean and pack up Mom’s home. That made an otherwise difficult time a lot easier and even a lot more fun!
You do have a very special place in my heart. I feel that you are not only my nephew but a dear friend. Thank you for being a person of integrity and fairness, even when others around you do not have the same values.
Kenny always smiled more and was happier when you were with him. That was such a comfort to me. I was sad I could not be with Kenny more, but I always knew you were there for him. I cherish every visit I had with my brother. I know he’s busy building the best home he ever has, and we will have a happy reunion someday. It was a pleasure to help you prepare for his memorial service.
I am always very proud of you and thankful to be you aunt.
this quilt was a way for me to thank Jimmy for all he did to take care of my
brother. I hope it will bring him some comfort and that he will always
remember that his Dad loves him very much.
I mailed the quilt yesterday and it should be there in time for Jimmy's birthday on Friday.
My friend told me to always fold the quilt inside out, so it's more a surprise when the recipient unfolds it, and sees the front.
Happy Birthday Jimmy!