Friday, November 17, 2017

Hukuna Matata...

The drama department at my school is presenting the Lion King Jr. Wednesday was opening night and Tim and I had the pleasure of taking Cash, Colby, and Grey to see it. I was so impressed. The drama and music teacher have worked so hard. There has been an army of parent volunteers helping to sew costumes and other things. I even helped do a little sewing. 

What a wonderful experience to take the boys to their first live performance. They were memorized and perfect gentleman! Cash read each act of the play from the program. I'm still blown away that he can read so well. I told Grey it was almost over and he said, no Grandma there is one more. He didn't want it to end. Colby said, can we go again tomorrow?! Cash laughed out loud several times. 

The lighting wasn't too good in the theater, because the lights were dimmed, but looking at these pictures will always be such happy memories. 

Grey held his ticket all during the play!

Grey sat on my lap while we were watching the play. I loved it! I look like I've had way too much Diet Coke!

"Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase. 
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze.
It means no worries for the rest of your days.
It's our problem-free, philosophy

I hope Cash, Colby, and Grey (and Grahm) don't have too many worries during their life. I hope as their grandparents, we can be some help to get them through any rough patch they may encounter. How we love our grandsons!