Friday, October 20, 2017


Tiff snapped this darling picture of Grey and Colby today.

Tim and I took Colby and Grey to Cornbelly's today. The boys were so excited. It was a little windy but we hoped it wouldn't be a problem. Well, about an hour after we got there it really started to howl. There was a lot of dirt in the air and we high-tailed it out of there. Grandpa protected Grey and I held on to Colby. Thankfully the car was not too far away. Wouldn't you know the one day we decided to go to Cornbelly's there would 68 miles an hour wind gusts in Lehi. I felt bad for the employees, they were trying to secure things, and people were leaving in droves. We however had fun while we were there and then we went to plan B!

Colby is brave, a bit of a daredevil just like his Dad was! 

 The flag at Macey's shows how windy it was!

Plan B... lunch at JCW's and then off to Provo Beach where we didn't need to worry about the dumb wind. 

We were lucky and got to sit at our favorite place. Colby always wants to sit at the BYU booth.

We played a few games at Provo Beach and ended up winning over 1,000 tickets! Colby and Grey had fun choosing some prizes. 

When I had Grey on Monday for his birthday date, he got a flattened penny souvenir before we left the museum. I told him he could put it in his treasure box. He look at me and said, I don't have a treasure box. Well, now he does! Grandpa sanded the box and put a light stain on it. Grey loved it and would not let the box out of his sight today! Sweetest boy, he loves pretty much everything.

 We didn't let a little wind ruin our day!

We missed Cash but he's having 
fun at the Property with Nana and Papa.