American Fork Canyon
My, my Tim is 65!
Cash's cool fort
Grey made a fire!
Colby's camp sign!
Mark caught a butterfly, the boys loved that.
Photo credits to Cash!
Grandpa loves his grandsons!
Happy Birthday Tim, my favorite senior citizen!
I remember when my parents were in their 30's and thinking they were old. I don't think 65 is that old, but getting older does kind of sneak up on you. Our children are in their 30's and we have grandchildren. We sometimes don't recognize the person we see in the mirror. Today is Tim's 65th birthday and he says he doesn't feel old. We have been so blessed with good health, we have everything we need, and most all we have a family we love so much. Hands down the best thing about getting older is the addition of our precious grandchildren.
Today we celebrated Tim's birthday by driving up the canyon and having breakfast food. Being with family is always the best way to celebrate.
Mark cooking up a delicious breakfast!
Cash's cool fort
Grey made a fire!
Colby's camp sign!
Mark caught a butterfly, the boys loved that.
Photo credits to Cash!
Of course we always get one with Grandpa's eyes closed, this time Grey had his closed too!

Happy Birthday Tim, my favorite senior citizen!
Let me know if you need any help navigating the medicare system or need any elder law advice.
On my 65th birthday, I’m going to lie down in a crop circle and wait for aliens to abduct me. That’s my retirement plan.
By 65 you tend to sleep more soundly. But it’s usually in the afternoon.
Advice for 65-year-olds: use valet parking.
Valets don’t forget where they parked your car.
Want to look younger at 65? Remove your glasses before looking in mirror.