Keep your dish right side up...
In 1872, the prophet Brigham Young counseled the Saints... Said he: “Stop! Wait! When you get up in the morning, before
you suffer yourselves to eat one mouthful of food, … bow down before the
Lord, ask him to forgive your sins, and protect you through the day, to
preserve you from temptation and all evil, to guide your steps aright,
that you may do something that day that shall be beneficial to the kingdom of God on the earth.
Have you time to do this? … This is the counsel I have for the
Latter-day Saints to day. Stop, do not be in a hurry. … You are in too
much of a hurry; you do not go to meeting enough, you do not pray
enough, you do not read the Scriptures enough, you do not meditate
enough, you are all the time on the wing, and in such a hurry that you do not know what to do first.
… Let me reduce this to a simple saying—one of the most simple and
homely that can be used—‘Keep your dish right side up,’ so that when the
shower of porridge does come you can catch your dish full.”
~ Keith B. McMullin, "Come to Zion! Come to Zion! Ensign, Nov. 2002