Sunday, November 6, 2016

Top Banana and our Three Favorite Monkeys...

Cash won the "Top Banana" trophy at school last week. He has passed off all the concept he has been learning. He can sound out words and will be reading before we know it! We are so proud of you Cash!

Cash also got a cool t-shirt for passing off all the sight words. 
High five Cashee!

I stayed with our three favorite monkeys while Mark and Tiff went to Stake Conference. Elder Nelson was speaking, and that's a long time for little ones to sit still. It was another unusually beautiful November day, so we played outside most of the time. 

I asked Colby to find his shoes and I turned around to see this!

Colby put his pants on inside out, but he got dressed by himself so that's good enough!

We love Cash, Colby, and Grey so much.