Friday, November 4, 2016

If I knew tomorrow...

Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn’t need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn’t need grace

I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn’t be God
So maybe I don’t know,
But maybe that’s okay... 

~ Jon Bellion 

Yesterday my friend Billie called and ask if I would come over, she said she needed to talk to me in person. I knew Rulon had a doctor appointment Wednesday, and I was hoping the tests would show the chemo was working. I knew as soon as I heard Billie's voice on the phone it was not going to be good news. Rulon's cancer has become very aggressive. The doctor told them their options... he can go on Hospice care where they would do all they can to keep him comfortable, and he would have about six weeks to live. The other option was to try a therapy of oral chemo. They decided they have to try, and so Rulon and Billie went to directly to the hospital. He's so weak and caring for him has become very difficult for Billie and her daughters. They won't know for about four weeks if the chemo is working. They will test his blood everyday. Billie is scared and trying to have hope. I'm heartbroken for our dear friends.

 I don't know... sometimes all you can do is pray.