Thursday, July 16, 2015

ThrowBack Thursday ~ One year...

It's been a year already, Mom passed away on July 15th. I held her hand most of the time I was with her. I will always be grateful I could be by her side during June and July of last year. I miss her voice, her cards... she sent me the prettiest cards on special occasions. Most of all I miss her love. 

I went by her grave when I was in Cheyenne last week. It was her birthday on July 11th, she would have been 83 years old. I trimmed the grass around her gravestone. I brought her flowers and balloons with butterflies on them, because she loved them.
I think about her almost everyday. I never thought too much about the time she would not be with me. It's a strange feeling to have both your parents gone. Sometimes I feel them near, and I try to remember what their voices sound like. I hope to see them again one day, I miss my Mom and Dad.