Kenny loves to be with his boys.
How cute is Theo's son Raeland?!
My brother Lloyd with great-nephew Gabe.
My cousin Carlene, she loves family gatherings. She even had on a t-shirt that says #federerstrong. Her husband Kyle gets the credit for the theme!
Having a little chat with my nephew Enoch.
I finally got to meet my great-niece Lucy. She's a darling little red head! There are eleven years difference between her and Holley next child Joseph. It was quite the adjustment but she loves this sweet caboose! Lucy was the youngest family member at the reunion.
My great-niece Elizabeth and great-nephew David, they are growing up fast. My niece Heather and her husband Stephen drove down for Laramie, they could only stay for a minute because Heather had to go to work. I was grateful they could come.
My nephew Carl!
Time to fire up the grill.
My brother Lloyd knows how to cook up the hamburgers and hotdogs!
My cousin Doug jumps in and helps when he sees a need. Good guy!
Handsome cowboys!
Uncle Dave and my cousin Patsy.
My niece Kaylynn and great-niece Kallie.
I thanked Kyle for the Federer Strong reference and told Theo how grateful we are that he's making a full recovery. I talked about our loved ones and why we are Federer strong.
You can see him smile while I was talking about his accident and recovery.
I wrote a poem and we all decided that Kyle should read it. I'm grateful for the heritage and the legacy that I have through my grandparent, parents, uncles and aunts that are all Federer Strong!
Federer Strong
We had grandparents that never gave up,
They worked hard and knew it took more than luck.
Their homestead cabin was humble but it kept them warm,
It was a safe place from many a harsh Wyoming storm.
They learned to farm and save for a rainy day,
Days were long and that never left time for play.
As time went by their family grew,
The blessings of sons and daughters are only seen by a few.
The children were taught to work and honor their mom and dad,
They knew each other was all they had.
Oh how the wind would blow and they often wondered when it would cease,
Hiding in the big old barn was a place to find peace.
Theodore and Edna had their share of trials and sorrow,
But they had faith for a better tomorrow.
Months and years went by and happy memories were made,
Time marches on but they will never fade.
From weddings to babies, from young to old,
Being part of a family is more precious than gold.
We hold in our hearts a legacy that is a treasure,
And will always feel blessed beyond measure.
Not enough hours in the day we often say,
We watch as the business of life allows time to slip away.
Getting together to laugh and reminisce,
Is a chance we don’t want to miss.
Life passes so quickly and we never have long,
So we need to always remember what makes us Federer strong.
Written by Eileen Federer Williams
July 7, 2015
Reminder bands and goodies for award winners!
Grandpa Federer had a brother named Louie and Margaret is his daughter.
I had a few awards to give out this year like... who traveled the furthest, who's told the most lies, who recently became addicted to Facebook and who has the oldest pick-up, etc.
Carlene read the prompts and I passed out the awards and treat bags. It was fun, everyone enjoyed it.
This is my favorite picture of the day. My brother Lloyd with our cousins Greg and Chad. I love the smile on Greg's face. He is so loving and very supportive. He says that he is the runt of the family!
Beloved family members... My cousin Margaret, my Aunt Kay, cousin Barbara and my Aunt Bernice. There are not many left from this generation.
Margaret Federer Larsen was the oldest family member at the reunion. She is a delight at 93 years of age. Her vision is going but she still has some peripheral sight. I loved going to Margaret's home and playing with my cousins Patsy and Susie.
My Dad has the most posterity now, 77 is his family! I wish everyone could have come to the reunion.
Grandpa and Grandma's posterity now numbers 159. We had 51 family members come to the reunion. Considering that we are all over the United States now, I think that was a respectable turnout.
I was blessed with the best brothers, I wish they could have all been at the reunion. Lloyd is not only my brother but a dear friend. We can talk about anything and he gives great advice. He has always been a good listener and loves me just the way I am. We are a good team and it was fun planning this reunion with him. He is steady and so much like my Dad. He has found a wonderful woman. He and Rhonda are a great match and it makes so happy to see them together. I love Rhonda and my brother Lloyd.
It was a beautiful day in Cheyenne, not too hot and we even enjoyed a few rain showers that produced a gorgeous double rainbow. Many of us stayed at the park and talked until dark. It was a Fantastic Federer Family day!
My family is not perfect, sometimes we argue, some hold grudges, some fight, and we even stop talking to each other at times. Some of them drink way too much and cuss a lot. Most of us would drop anything to help each other in time of need. Most of us are trying to be good parents and grandparents. I guess in the end, family is family... and the love will always be there.
Homestead cabin
Grandma and Grandpa married in 1915.
Edna and Theodore's family
60th Wedding Anniversary
Mom and Dad's family many years ago.
Family... it's all about love.